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AuthorAll about Knight faction: Stats, Talent, Tactics, Strategy
Each faction has its own generic style, Randhy. Do not be like so many players who say "ZOMG, *this faction* is SOOOO strong because *their special abilities* Teh adminz are so broken this game - thes is overpowered!!!!!!!!11!!!

Yes, knights are slow, but that is part of their stereotypical style. The typical knight style is high defense. Knights might not have destructive spells, but wizards don't have anything to compare with swordsmen. Gargoyles have lower hp and damage dealt. The golems produce less damage that swordsmen. Also, no one gets as many third tier units (Swordsmen) as knights do. Everyone else gets lots of first or second tier units, but that doesn't make them weaker.

The differences are a part of their style. You maximize your faction's advantages and your opponents weaknesses.

I hope this is clear.

Ur welcome

Best regards,

For me, The game is balanced .. but honestly Knights are the strongest .. I never say they are bad, Yeahh they are slow, but see the numbers and ESPECIALLY the DEFENCE .. they have the best def at this game .. make them hard and hard to kill ..
Elves kill fast, but die fast, the numbers too low,
DE have Best damages ever but outnumbers too,
Wizards have magic but weak troops,
barbarians lack of speed and damages for sure, except Ogres (too slow) and orc chiefs,
Demons lack of speed too, except the horses and wolfs, but lack of damages on them,
also the Necros with luck and raise, but the incorporeal seems do not really work at high level and do not forget their turns, too low ..

For me, I am not afraid of elves and wizards, I often did Duels agaist elves with no arts with TheHolyPaladin and RandhyTheKnight and 60% I won them .. ^^ honestly the Escort makes them stronger .. ^^ also, knights have the most complete talents with low talent points .. Vitality, etc ..

Hav fun .. ^^

Any ideas to kill Elves Brigands ?? I hate the tree folks for sure ...
[Post deleted by moderator Shebali // Ask in QaH]
just turned lvl 5 what talent should i use

The game is balanced ..

but honestly Knights are the strongest ..

Wizards have magic but weak troops,
cause you havent face a figther wiz + full mini art equiped.

barbarians lack of speed and damages for sure
study more pls, almost every barbarians unit in same tier have higher speed than knight beside that orge

Demons lack of speed too, except the horses and wolfs, but lack of damages on them,
rofl, compare with knight, do demon have any unit with speed 4 or less? beside that cave demon?

also the Necros with luck and raise, but the incorporeal seems do not really work at high level and do not forget their turns, too low ..
just because you havent met those damn necro, it doesnt mean they are all same. come lv8 and above, you will know how can those nerco kick your butt hard.

I often did Duels agaist elves with no arts with TheHolyPaladin and RandhyTheKnight
multi account with arranged battle?

honestly the Escort makes them stronger ..
part of it but not all

we are talking the overall strength of the faction (well, it is since it start with 'in future'), dont justify your view with the lv gap.

you can spend some time on reading previous post :)
what's with knight Talent and stuff? thairs no big deal.
Wizards have magic but weak troops?
cause you havent face a figther wiz + full mini art equiped.

Just watch Kusikas three 3v3 and 2v2 group battles last 2 days of Febrary. 22A 22D 0SP 4K, his team pwnd

forget the kusika, he is a special case XD

go ru server to have a look....
To Stepher : ESCORT .. ^^
TO Pang : multi account with arranged battle? hmm U need to watch more !! ^^
for Randhy
the last one to kill is the tree.
the first action of your swordmen was going to the tree.
that made you stand still and get a lot of range shot from GMB and anchorites.

my idea is go behind the griff + kill FK.
then go to group of GMB druid anchorite.
use the griffin as screen to protect your sword from treefolk
after you finish the range group, it's time for cut down the tree.
yeahh I have to avoid my sm from treefolk and kill the Shooters first I think, coz the most disruptive troops OFC the shooters ... The sylvan shooters are the best .. ^^
to stepher:
yep, escort is the best talent for a lvl5 imo (it might take u a few battles to get the hang of it)
thanks everyone
should I go with max swords or max crossbows for vanguard of necros {4}? I tried looking at previous posts in this thread, but I couldn't find anything on this subject.

definitely max sword. you need something with high defense and many hp to be in front of the magi.
thanks for the advice. It worked beautifully. Those necros didn't go anywhere near the magi.
can i have some good tactics for lvl 5 eg charge griffins volley bows etc
ask elf-allies for stoneskin on grifs, cast on their Bless or Escort and just move their forward =)
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