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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
7 continuous CG duel victories *_*
Congrats :)

Reached home and drank cold chilled water *.* :D
Reached home and drank cold chilled water *.* :D \

Feeling heaven ? :P
Hell yeah :P
Can't express my feeling in words :*
I understand and everyone understands this feeling ^_^
this time it will be 3rd dozen ! full surE ! it can be 0.00
I was wrong ! :D

thank god i dint betted there :P

i won :D
Silence .. still
not even 1 blue card in tavern...
always happens..
Reputation is 8.5 now
rejected three quests
all of them were exactly same :\
army of wizards (11) !

all three samE !
Great !!
i had best cards in last game ! :D

i got 5 dmg to ur tower +2 to monastery and +1 to monastery +3 to tower +3 to wall

then got one more +1 monastery
and also i had parity ! :D
so opponent could not have it ! :D

and got all blue cards (not eye) but all ! :D So good game

0 monastery 0 mine 0 barracks.. lol all i could do was discard everything xd
Great !!
0 monastery 0 mine 0 barracks..
that is very irritating
just 1 more hunt to go ! woohoo :P
Double trap :)
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