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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
and new page !
And 2 post of new page !!
OH ! Oh ! thats ! grEat !
Now i am bored . ! :\
posted so much posts ! -_-
Player banned by moderator ElfPride until 2014-05-04 23:00:42 // FR#4.2.1//Long string violation
^ Just why you make the page red ? :\
Great !!
Now enjoy ur ban -_-
Playing DE a bit bored = =
2014-05-03 18:48: Faction changed: Dark elf to Elf.

ah ! you are back to main ! :)

Reputation: 9
status: We had a better opinion about you...
yea, DE can't do much MG quest = =
exams from Monday . This world cant see me rest :(
omg, min ap won caravan of DE o.O"

Heyy, dont be meaney to DE!
DE is good :P Expet some times its pretty lame :D but , mostley .. DE rocks :P
I agree :p
DE rocks and is best faction ever :D
Lets see...

DE have No realtion stack x2
Double strike x1
Area strike + restore Hp x1
Caster x1
ranged attacking stack x2
adn lizard assistant wich hits all what see :P

+ HUGE more rate :P
adn luck

And nice magic damage :P

thas my thouths :P
+ DE is awesome caster too with elemental call

Just waiting for DE alt :)
Wanna play with invisible units :D but sadly they dont have any shooters :/ ( not even bandits and dark witches )
A huge army of 'Phoenixes {1}' is about to raid the '#262 - Ore pit'. Hurry over there, strike the separate groups of enemies, and the victory is yours! Hurry or they will attack all together in '600' minutes.

this lame quest = =||
U can do it :P
U can beat them all :P
Lame quest give fire crystal :D
Player banned by moderator Arcanide until 2014-05-05 17:30:25 // Long string (warning).
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