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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
And new page :)
I will make this full page ! :D
I willl do it anyhoe ! :D
Oh ! :O

I am playing hunt after 10 days ! o.O
hmm i am progressing so much in MG ! :D
Hmm silence here .. i will make page ! :D

14 posts more ! ;)
So.. what should i say now ?

hmm who likes to study ? o.O
Best answer -- Mouse ! :P
So. monday i have maths exam ! :D
I can handle it well .:P
suppah ! 10 more posts to go
hmm and at last i have chemistry
which appears most tough to me >.<
I always think i will lose from thief
but i could have won :(

i dint played seriously :\
i think i can do it ! :P
Great !!
And one came in between !
Lets still make it :P

but i have work
i got an element and see what it is ! :\
A toadstool ! :O

I think i i will become MG 4 with only one moonstone
Great !!
Good going
Great !!
Good going

How the.. !.

its good going ?
Something is better than nothing ;)
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