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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
Ok, better now, : who want ramble some cards with meh? :D
i gues noone.. :S want to play with noobfairy -.-

ill play with basion then :D
he no play with me too -.-
I will play ;)

People o.O
So rich at such level :O
yea :O
for Optimus Prime:
Eee.. please don't do something disgusting.

for PrettyElf:
I just want to experienced it. :D
Eee.. please don't do something disgusting.
What ? :O
11k farmers !. Who wants to help
me :P

but i am low level maybe cant :P
for ElfMoon:
You are confused, so you are obviously a girl.
for Lord Hallion91:
You hurt me T.T

please believe me. I'm male :)
Some1 is hurt and men dont get hurt so easily o.O
Why don't believe I'm male = =
Ok. Beasthunder and moro888 can prove I'm male.
try ask them xD
[Post deleted by moderator MrBattleControl // No begging here please]
Bad joke >.>
Sorry (hugs)
actualy that was a racketeering
To Elfy :P

now i got my butt spanked by MrBC
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