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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]

Enjoying my free gold :D

Too bad it came so fast after this post, I guess people didn't have time to bet.
Great ! :)
I dint have gold and i dint read that post ! :\ :(
When hallion said bet :P
for two turns i dint bet
the third turn i bet and it was 0 !
and now again 3rd
the roulette is against me :\
A friend in need is a friend indeed !
You shouldn't bet like that, bet methodically as I told you. Gather gold first is top priority.
I will surely apply that method once i repay my urgent 10k loan !
Mercenaries' guild: 3 (498) +102

Still got one moostone
i hope i get all of them together

like 5-6 of them ! :O :")
End is here :O
It's beginning, not end :P
M begining ur end :p
Omg I beat roulette :o
nice gzz :P

It's beginning,

Dont get why hes begging? >.>
Dont get why hes begging? >.>

PrettyElf plays his first card game ! :P
PrettyElf plays *her first card game ! :P
*Lol -_-
whats pol ?
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