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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
Reputation: 10
status: Triumph! Keep it up, warrior! Here is your reward.

You receive 55 gold
At last we have found the one we need ! :) Our guild welcomes you back ! :)

Feels good ;)
Hmm.. tomorrow english exam ! :)
Nothing to study ! :)
u in class 12 ?
just 9 more hunts :D
Class 11th ! :)

And you ? college school or ???
Reputation: 10
status: The uprising is neutralized, you are a true hero! And here is a true reward.

You receive 149 gold

I like the status ! :)
mm... making food :D
What are you making ? :)
Something like rissoto, with mushrooms and meat :P
I don't like mushrooms >. <
love them :P
mushroom rissoto is soo good :P
or musroom souce with potatoes, and some salltats :P yummy
Hmm parcel some to India
I'll have some
But yeah pure veg only :P
Yea I know, most of my friends like it, but not me >. <
That's bad :P
U should eat everything as in u r a grown up person O.o
My age... stop growm up and go opposite = =
Lucky :P
>. <

Stuck at station and no train is arriving to take me home :(
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