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AuthorHit or Miss!!!! (GAME)
for i-wont-die: #2920 Wrong answer! Check rules again!
if what the person says is correct next person would say hit otherwise miss
for naviron: he did say
for kkkkkkkkkkkk: he also said 'hit'

the rules are: say hit otherwise miss . Note the otherwise which is an *exclusive* OR. That means you can't say both!
the next person is gonna say miss - you haven't specify where in the message

i MISS the old ap rules.... - he was referring to old ap rules, not to your message

if what the person says is correct next person would say hit otherwise miss - he said hit because he was going to use the word miss. the rule says the first word can be miss or hit. the rule doesn't specify you cannot use those words farther on in your message.

logically correct and in agreement with the game rules.

the next person will be sleepy due to a tiresome day.
next person hate roulette
#2924: the rule says the first word can be miss or hit - wrong! nowhere in the rules is specified the *first word*

Rules say clearly: hit *otherwise* miss.

You can't say both, and if what the person says is correct next person would say hit otherwise miss
Wow, a simple game turned into a bar fight because someone smart enough found a loophole in the rules ! Brillant !

The next person is afraid of snakes
hi all
this is exactly what coolahed said

every person would type something about the next person.
if what the person says is correct next person would say hit otherwise miss
i will start...

next person does not like this game..

say first step typing something about the other
if it was correct the next person must say hit
otherwise(he means by otherwise if it is not correct )
he must say miss
so why all this fight ?

The next person is afraid of snakes

next person is afraid to die

next person will say miss
next person will say miss

how to answer this ?
if i said miss i mean i will not say miss but i already say it
if i said hit i mean i will say hit but i already type hit
the answer will be
hit i will say miss
so what is the next one?
do i create something since qio didnt answer?
................stop fighting like kids.

next person is not one of them who were fighting.
for naviron:
for kkkkkkkkkkkk:
omg i didny wanted to do that....but cgsmcmlxxv was smart and understood what i wanted to say...now you are all argueing about nothing....if i would of say miss i should of put hit cause i said miss so thats it...
next person will say miss

how to answer this ?
if i said miss i mean i will not say miss but i already say it
if i said hit i mean i will say hit but i already type hit
the answer will be
hit i will say miss

exactly...so plase dont post such things cause you see what happens....

next person likes to eat pie

next person has any enchanted weapon

next person is very happy (xD)
hit!! hahahahaahahahhahahaha... (any proof more needed) lol

next person is falminghorse
the next person will be of knight faction
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