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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
good for you :P
back to do nothing useful >.<
And won :D
i m thinkin of joining ginger tail !
what do u guys say ?
Sure to read it...

and the min level required is level 13. !
any key ??
well i forgot
i've got 400k . yay party !!
gratz ! :D

and yeah
you can join any key
i was a member of it .. then bow and was evicted
and now i will join again soon ;)
not ginger tail , u sure ?
not ginger tail , u sure ?
translate their page info
min level required is 13
well the recruiter told me that i could join !
i would have definitely joined A&D , but the fees is mote than 3 times :(
that depends upon u
I wont compromise in joining a good clan
for Dbest:

if u dont wanna get ginger tail take my current clan # 464 :D i dont know the english name.

or take efl , its only 5000 gold :D
Dont publish about ur clans
get ready 4 a ban -_-
if u get one , i wont be the scapegoat ;)
for Dbest:
Check the complete clan
no players less than level 13
further read..29105 !
They will invited you to clan
you will sumbit resources for clan development
even the fees is good enough
and they will evict you
just think about it.. why only you as level 10 .. no one else as level 10 ?
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