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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]

He is a mod..can't be fooled easily :P
Its 4:35 am here and m not sleeping ._.
So I should flood
You are alone in that
Heading to bed
Gn :)
Gn :)

Alone O.O
Sleepy *yawn*
Is anyone here or m I alone
No one :(

My eyes r burning like hell >.<
Now people might think m some mad person talking to oneself O.o
M not mad...just trying to stay awake O.O
K so I need sleep but I won't sleep -_-"
i know exactly how ur feeling .__. *hi5*
Hello bro *hi5*

Got some company *.*
oh god somebody got banned for provoking bc .__. if that was the case in skyppe, i'd have already gotten a lifetime ban. thrice.

Hungry and sleepy
this is a time when u cant find anything to eat :p
Lol true xD

Studying like a retard
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