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AuthorPortal of Time
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Heroes, that ended with another trip to the portal of time. The appearance of the ancient undead on the battlefields in the past someone by surprise, and for some it has become a new challenge, which in no matter what was to be overcome. But the court magician Abu Bakr deep in my heart rejoiced in this fact. No, a new enemy called for was not his interference in the magic of the portal, as initially have thought Governor grams. The true reason was concealed in something or someone else - and it even had to be opened, but much more interested in another magician. In ancient necromancy was forbidden, and necromancers were outcasts, and their wicked writings simply burned. For this reason, remained very little information about the history and development of the primary sources once forbidden magic school. And the opportunity to fill gaps in knowledge magician of the court simply could not miss. I only wish that time was running out. The strength of the portal is rapidly fading, picking out the last one character after another and returning them to their usual now. It was the turn to recall the original purpose of the campaign ended and bring its results.

Heroes, the existence of a favorable portal expired - and he again closed. Court magician Abu Bakr very pleased with the results of the expedition ended and is pleased to announce that the imperial reserves crystals time were replenished more than 110,000,000 units. In connection with this wizard to thank all who responded to his call. For his bravery in the portal before the enemy all who have the total number of crystals was not less than 1,000 units awarded new unique artifact. Durability depends on the amount of artifact collected crystals! A top 30 heroes get these artifacts with a maximum strength of 90:
Here it is



so max durability is 90/90 which is unlike to other set piece which is already introduced
Turns out the event really gave me free fsp.. Good luck fighting suckers. I don't mind a ban here.
Player banned by moderator Magier until 2014-11-29 14:25:25 // Rudeness. You should know better.
Good luck fighting suckers. I don't mind a ban here.
You're a disgrace to Moderation. You should resign instead of getting fired, but you probably don't understand that.
Player banned by moderator Arcanide until 2014-11-29 16:49:42 // He's still an official moderator, if you don't agree with him PM him or the Staff department (warning).
By that logic i should have resigned when such thought ever crossed my mind, if we're talking about conscience.
Nevertheless, it remains a fact that expressing openly like this is against the rules.
Turns out the event really gave me free fsp.. Good luck fighting suckers. I don't mind a ban here.
Facts remain what they are and they don't 'Turns out' based on our whim. Of course, if you change the event to make it give 'free' fsp, your statement will be true. But until that, it is false. To know why it is false, check out the meaning of 'free' :))

Good luck fighting suckers.
Wow, just wow! A forum moderator calls players 'suckers' because he disagrees with them. I assume I am one of the 'suckers' according to you and I really take very strong offence to being abused. And it's not just any regular player, it's a representative of the empire. This is like the administration itself abusing the players.

I don't mind a ban here.
Is this to say that abusing on the forum is allowed? 'Abuse' and 'ban', is this the way to go? As I said, just 'wow'! Unbelievable :)
You're a disgrace to Moderation.
Nah, he wasn't even moderating here. Just posting on the forum like regular player. I would say abusing on the forum is a disgrace to 'playing'. So, by right, we have an arguable 'disgrace to playing' moderating :)

By that logic i should have resigned when such thought ever crossed my mind, if we're talking about conscience.
I think you understood Derelict's point. Or rather, you understood what I think is Derelict's point :-P
Temporal Cloak 65/65 =D Like I expected.
please compare Dragonwing cloak, lvl 16 art versus Great temporal cloak, lvl 13 art.
Do you agree with me, I think this is the most overpower art given during PoTs until now.
OMG :(
why a cloak, Grr

so,POT madness is still not over:(
i am seriously dis-appointed, got only 63 durability art for 52 wins
for Lord selfist:

overpowered but not that useful because you can't use bow enchant when using this cloak, sad
Facts remain what they are and they don't 'Turns out' based on our whim. Of course, if you change the event to make it give 'free' fsp, your statement will be true. But until that, it is false. To know why it is false, check out the meaning of 'free' :))

Guys.. Seriously? Just for the sentence whether the event gives "free" FSP or not? Rather petty if u ask me..
I think what VV is trying to say is don't interpret the word "free" in its literal sense. In my personal capacity, I play the event for the fun out of it (and probably the arts too), and in every battle I go to, of course I would need the relevant AP (equip arts=gold used).
To me the FSP are just like bonuses and regardless of whether I get FSP or not, it does not bother me, as stated I will continue to play events for the fun out of it, so really its a matter of how u interpret it.
In the above context I hope u can see my interpretation of "free".

And it's not just any regular player, it's a representative of the empire. This is like the administration itself abusing the players.
Oh please! Representation of the empire sounds awfully like a fantasy. Moderators are here to serve as a check and balance and to take appropriate action such as bans, etc.
Arctic has in numerous occasions ban himself for "inappropriate statements/trollings", does that mean Empire in her capacity are abusing players? VV may be a mod, but like u and I, a regular player and if other moderates feels its inappropriate then I can't help to wonder why he has yet get a ban? And I have no idea the word "suckers" could be such a detriment to 1 individual? It's more like suck it up or deal with it.

i am seriously dis-appointed, got only 63 durability art for 52 wins
It depends on your CoT and not number of wins eddy :)
I think what VV is trying to say is don't interpret the word "free" in its literal sense.
I do not know of any context-free grammar that can generate what you said from Turns out the event really gave me free fsp.. Good luck fighting suckers. :))

Anyways, it is best to not use "free" if you don't want to use it in the literal sense. There are words which literally mean what someone tries to convey :D How cool is that?

In the above context I hope u can see my interpretation of "free".
Yup, your context is super clear. You already explained don't interpret the word "free" in its literal sense..

Moderators are here to serve as a check and balance and to take appropriate action such as bans, etc.
Do these actions include abusing other players? And if moderators themselves start abusing, what type of balance are they trying to maintain? This will set a very dangerous precedent. I like reading logical informative posts in the forum and not those containing slangs and abuses.

And I have no idea the word "suckers" could be such a detriment to 1 individual? It's more like suck it up or deal with it.
Maybe it is not derogatory/sexist/demeaning to you. 'suck up' is a phrase which is widely known to mean 'deal with it'. Adding proposition after verb makes it a phrasal verb which can have a totally different meaning from the original verb. It is wrong to attempt to derive equivalency between the two. 'suckers' is extremely offensive to me and I take it as a very very strongly worded insult in public.

Arctic has in numerous occasions ban himself for "inappropriate statements/trollings"
Please don't compare Arctic to VV. Just don't (I don't know how to put it strongly enough). He NEVER abused. I really don't want to drag his name into the discussion. He did a lot for this community and please do not try to drag him into this. I was proud to have a representative like him and still am.
For shubhamgoyal:

With each of your posts, you make me realise how horrendously wrong i have been. I am really sorry for I have trampled a pure heart with the worst kind of 'abuse' ever.

Until today i thought 'sucker' meant a gullible person. I had to check several dictionaries again and again, i think we should do something to get the meaning corrected.

Jokes apart, i really believe this is as insulting as calling someone a fool. And i think You should really keep your concern up and loud. Maybe even write it down in your personal info for everyone to read and someday, someone will punish me highly to your satisfaction.
Since VV himself acknowledged that it was wrong and apologize, but anyhow I guess it is a subjective element extremely offensive to meI take it as a very very strongly worded insult . I would have countered and would probably have offended you good sir but seeing VV acknowledges his wrong and apologize, and I'm not privy to your discussion, a halt for me here would suffice.

Please don't compare Arctic to VV. Just don't (I don't know how to put it strongly enough). He NEVER abused. I really don't want to drag his name into the discussion. He did a lot for this community and please do not try to drag him into this. I was proud to have a representative like him and still am.
This is where however I wish to clarify myself. I NEVER once said he abused positions,etc. You were not the only ones whom have your utmost respect for Arctic, everyone in .com does. I never compared Arctic with VV, I merely mentioned an example to refute This is like the administration itself abusing the players. Please don't isolate quotes by quotes, they are meant as a whole.

Although VV has apologized, I see no wrong in such a statement, it could be due to the environment and cultures I am exposed to or my studies (following British system) have influenced me in a way that it is not derogatory/sexist/demeaning to you. Either way, this is where a period for me is necessary and besides I've believe we've gone way out of topic.
hello boys, argument is good. but you guys gone way out of topic.
time to come back to topic or this thread will be closed for sure :P
With each of your posts, you make me realise how horrendously wrong i have been. I am really sorry for I have trampled a pure heart with the worst kind of 'abuse' ever.
Thank you. It's better to realize later than never :-) I do forgive you. However, please don't abuse while you are a moderator. It doesn't look good on the community.

Until today i thought 'sucker' meant a gullible person. I had to check several dictionaries again and again, i think we should do something to get the meaning corrected.
You were indeed wrong until today :-) 'sucker' is derived from 'suck'. You don't need to check several dictionaries, mate. One is more than enough. Please see here - http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Sucker. I will also quote some definitions from the link in a comment below.

i really believe this is as insulting as calling someone a fool.i really believe this is as insulting as calling someone a fool.
Mate, it doesn't matter what the person who abuses believes. By your logic, racism would be okay. This is because the person who is being racist doesn't think the word is derogatory because he doesn't belong to the race. And as a matter of fact (I too didn't know this), sucker has racist connotations as well. But let's leave that since it is not the main point of this comment.

And i think You should really keep your concern up and loud.
We are doing that. Well, this is not a concern, it's just a shock really. A moderator abusing :( Both me and Derelict tried to point this out to you. And you seem to have accepted as well (or so I hope). With each of your posts, you make me realise how horrendously wrong i have been. Please don't repeat such a mistake in the future.

Maybe even write it down in your personal info for everyone to read and someday, someone will punish me highly to your satisfaction.
Ah, you misunderstand my intention. Others might have wanted to deprive you of your post (You're a disgrace to Moderation. You should resign instead of getting fired, but you probably don't understand that.) but not me. You apologised already (I am really sorry). You do deserve another chance, I guess. And I only write comments which get deleted in my personal info :) But all of my forum posts are automatically committed to pastebin, so you can read them there as well.
[Post deleted by moderator GeraldTarrant // As posted. You trying to sanitize it was not enough.]
^ That's the definition from Urban dictionary..pretty weird you are ignoring the first 6 defn. on the website and then concentrating on the trollish ones.
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