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AuthorIt's That Time of the Year Again~
Now you're broke:) GO BET SOME MORE!!
Broke?:O I have 76k but its not enough :)
Go earn till you have 100k..
yea gonna bet more now
Haha.. and when you do have 100k..gimme some!!
You didnt bet!!!:(
haha, me 2:D
ran out of time :(
Hey flaminghore:)
Even if I win and get 100k gold I cant give it because I am an alt char :P!
Oops..spelled your name wrong..

Hey flaminghorse:)

to Detheroc:

Should have bet faster..at around 4:15(sever time)..:)
Then use Detheroc!!:)
Go bet now!!!
I am not going to bet this spin.
Because I don't feel I will win this spin
And what if you did bet this spin and you DID win?!?!?
I won't.
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