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Author[Military Clan] #7490 European Foreign Legion
2019-11-22 20:24:23
17 spots available

2019-11-23 20:53:18
18 spots available

Good going vik
EFL and AK are both smart clans and they know what they’re doing ;)

It only takes 6 rogue members ;)
16 spots available!
Join us guys. ;)
for merlin36:
Tbh it is all about how efficiently the management can manage, and I’m pretty sure both EFL and AK has good enough management.
only takes 6 rogue members
Only 6 members? I’m surprised it is coming from a deputy, i mean, how bad can the management be?
LoL :D
He was just joking!
for Botmun:
Bad joke :D
for latviesu lords:
Guys, join us. We have latviesu here who will help you finish in top100 :P
top 100 in events*
Contest alert!
We will soon have a meme contest for EFL players with some exciting rewards, more details out soon
Is it really neccecary? *wink* *wink*
Just on the line for top 30 :D
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas
The meme contest has been canceled.
We've been putting strong resistance against the top clans.
We're still not gonna brake, EFL elite refuses ;)
Stopped by to say Hi to some old friends and now bye again
Merry Xmas
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