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I don't see anything like that...

When you register, you choose your faction on the "portal" page, then after that you get the page where you fill in:
Password again:
Birthday: Day/Month/Year
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Where is this 1919 you are asking about?
its like when u fill ur birthday _day month then it comes year 1919 []

[] we have to fill a no. in it
i got it what it wanted it was just coming 1919 twice but it shuld have come only 19
Sometimes my translator does really weird things with dates. Especially in combat or transfer logs.
Under the melody of crickets at night, and the occasional cries of eagles, echoing among the mountain cliffs, a young soldier with a torch in his hand continued to work the night shift guarding the wall of the impregnable bastion. His attention drifts in and out of alertness as he makes his way to the windows of the barracks. Today, few of the soldiers slept, they are all ready to begin celebrating at midnight this glorious holiday - the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. Oh, how he wanted to be there now - with his gang of comrades in arms, and a mug of sweet ale. Sighing heavily, the warrior turned around to make the next round when he noticed the approaching figure, which resembled the shape of its commander - Captain Rodgera Iron. Instantly lined both toe the line, soldiers immediately said:

"Sir! During my duty ..."
"Yes I know, I know ... No incidents happened ... " the captain waved off the report for him "since the war there's been nothing going on" she says with a hint of nostalgia in her voice "even the Cyclops, and monsters are afraid to come closer to our borders."

Memories immediately surfaced to the mind of the captain, being shoulder to shoulder with the fearless heroes of the Empire on these very walls, killing hordes of goblins and orcs. After a moment her thoughts returned again to the present, and said:
"Go into the barracks."
"But sir .. " the soldier argued weakly.
"That's an order!" she demanded to the guard.
On the bewildered face of a young soldier a pleased smile quickly appeared, and he replied, slightly taken aback:
"Yes, sir! Thank you, sir!" as he ran to perform such an unexpected order.

"Go, go ... Have a rest in the tavern, and do not forget to pick up a glass of free drink for your captain!" Rodgera shouted to him in track, and said to herself, "Ah, youth ... They have not even sniffed the ashes of battle , and yet they want to slurp the spoils ." With these thoughts she walked to the edge of the wall and leant over, admiring the mountain scenery framed by the gradually brightening horizon.

Within a minute or two, the veteran soldier was already asleep, as in the good old years of the soldier's youth. And the walls of the bastion, in the meantime, appeared strange shadows in the night, quietly inching closer and closer to the fortifications, and they obviously were not friendly ...

The administration of the game on behalf of the Empire to congratulate all the players on the remarkable holiday - the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland. We wish you all the best!

On this day:
- Tavern treats for everyone who enter: free drinks;
- Shop stores are replenished with two gift artifacts;
- On the borders of the empire are new enenies.
TL:DR version
- Free tavern drinks for the day.
- Ambushes by Centaurs if you are on any border lands
Centaurs, one of them looks same as in Homm 4, wht are there abilities?
Centaurs, one of them looks same as in Homm 4, wht are there abilities?

They are similar, if not the same, to the Stronghold creatures in HoMM5.

While I am unsure completely what their abilities are, this is what I could gather from the battles and the HoMM abilities... (So don't quote me 100%) ;)

Suffering melee damage, this creature tries to run off from the attacker to the nearest unblocked location within its movement range, shooting and dealing half its normal damage from there.

Raging Blood:
This creature has a mix of demon and human blood that makes it subject to "Blood Rage" temporarily improving it's battle characteristics for aggressive behavior in combat.

Shooter. Large Creature.

The Mcentaur creature does not have Maneuver, instead it has no Melee penalty.

That battle shows an example of Maneuver.
It has also been reported that units can't seem to attack the Centaurs (clicking on them with the sword icon does not work) if the attacking unit was not in contact with a centaur or attacked a centaur the previous round.

Don't know what ability that is.
- Ambushes by Centaurs if you are on any border lands
Didn't get ambushed in an hour waiting in Green Wood... Isn't that part of the borders?...
is there any minimum level required to be ambushed by centaurs?
I'm level 4 and I'm ambushed.
is there any minimum level required to be ambushed by centaurs?

Probably level 3.
Level 3 for sure. My alt get caught in an area near extremity of map (portal's ruins).
I just realised HWM has a radio feature. It is an icon at the top right of the screen. O.o
Does double strike work on them?
for vishnus:
No. Reports are that the wolf-riders/raiders/mino soldiers would hit once, the centaur will run away and shoot, then the subsequent attacks would hit air.

for ZioBlade:
It's been there for a while, and the discussions of what is talked about on the radio show is on the forums in the Radio section (http://www.heroeswm.ru/forum_thread.php?id=28)
4 Years Online!

Dear players! Brave Heroes!

Today our game with you Birthday. March 1, 2011 us 4 years! This year has brought many new things: the game joined by more than 880,000 players, and the total number of characters is approaching three million, has been held more than 110 million fighting, the number of players online at peak values reached nearly 23-thousand, and the game ranked second in the referendum casual games in 2010.

Many thanks to all who have been with us since the very beginning, and those who play not so long ago, everyone who helps the project and makes it interesting with his presence. Thanks to all of you, the world of heroes never ceases transformed and had become a great place to relax.

And in honor of the holiday, only to March 1:
1. Free energy drink at the tavern;
2. For players on the third level is one of three gifts to choose from: the ability of the faction, gift artifact c information about the owner or licensed master hunter. And the strength of the gift and the amount of skills are directly dependent on the number of "battle" days of the hero;
3. Quick battle group in combat (player puts troops and approves strategy: Sword - attack, shield-defense. All the moves are made automatically.)
4. Quick battle 4 on 4 in group combat;
5. Quick anniversary tournament knockout. Do not miss your chance to make a unique achievement in information about the character. Tournaments are available to players from the third level of combat and will start the day. The principle is similar to the rapid tournament card play tournaments in the tavern;
6. Unlimited number of shifts per day fractions. Do not miss your chance to get as many achievements for each faction;
7. The new mini-game: http://www.heroeswm.ru/tower_game/tg.html
8. Holiday raffle. Drawing of houses, rarities and artifacts from the increased strength (lottery will last for 4 days);

Enjoy your holiday! Hooray!
Thanks God!!! Finally!... It's been almost a whole week since the last event, I was starting wondering if admins forgot the server...
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