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Complete 3 DE vs 3 Elf . . . !!! :D
Oopsy I forgot to post the battle link in my above post . . . :p

Probably it will be something like the demon or the undead event here. On .ru this kind of events are called mini events. Big events are big wars where the players fight against strong heroes (Like the kingdom war or the dwarf war).
Just got to level 3 on .ru. I think this means I get to compete in the next mini event..... or do you have to be lvl 5?
so hard to play on Russian and always use translator-.-
for GeraldTarrant:
Level 3 is enough.
11th Minor Tournament ! On .ru from today 18:00 server time.
I get something from winning at the minor tourney, out of fsp and exp. What is that?
Its probably Commanders' guild points.
Oh, yes, thanks, that must be it... I had a look, I did not notice any change in my stats, but that must be because they give CG points, but that these are only given to lvl 9+ players.
I thought it was tournament points. 1 point per win, most points at end of tournament, wins
Insane Knight Strategy . . . Life Consuming Battle (Not Time Consuming! lol)

Just 60 000 more zombies to get the next record. Piece of cake! :P
At least he will never cap in the hunters guild.
I wonder how long it was last...
for coolahed:
use google chrome as your browser that's makes .ru surfing pretty easy.

I'm also at .ru server currently a lvl 1 dwarf.

Want to know about runes.

I know the types of runes and we need fsp 1 and CL 3 for that but who casts the runes the hero or the troops themselves and does it consume one turn?
who casts the runes the hero or the troops themselves and does it consume one turn?
You'll get a panel at the bottom left corner, showing each existing runes (available to you or not). All you have to do is click on it when it's your unit turn, it takes effect immediatly, and you can still move or wathever. Some runes can even last until their effect is being used; for exemple, a rune that would affect attack will last until you attack something...

You can use up to 1 rune per stack, and only one use of each rune per fight. With dwarves special talent, you may use each rune twice, but that's still one rune per stack.

I think that's all there is to know about it.
for blazingarpit:
In this high level group battle (4 dwarves involved) you can see how it works:

Runes used:
Rune of berserking
Rune of charge
Rune of magic control
Just finished minor tourney on .ru 14/15. I love the dwarf faction.
Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day - so young, but nice and bright holiday celebrated in the Empire. Day, when everything is permeated with the strongest feeling - a feeling of love. Love, which sooner or later gets into everyone's heart, and often stays there forever, filling the world of colors, and life - the unforgettable moments. That same day, according to ancient tradition, made to give each other gifts , and open their warmest feelings of relatives and loved ones in the texts of holiday cards, known as valentines. Those same cards that were delivered to the palace a few hours ago. But every minute of delay could result in a delay of the holiday.

The Empress has already begun to worry about, when suddenly rushed into the hall one of the soldiers that had accompanied the caravan with valentines. No time to catch his breath, he immediately turned to the mistress:
- Your Majesty, we were attacked ... - greedily gulping air.
- Who? - angrily jumped Empress.
- Demons ... Several of their heroes attack the convoy. We gave them some resistance, but while they distract us, the damned devils pilfered all the valentines! We chased the demons up to the dragon's cave, but there was too much. It seems they are justified in the caves of the camp and took root in him.
- Again these demons! - Unhappy Empress murmured, moving look at the governor Grammita that stood to the right of it - is necessary as soon as possible to break their camp and return the stolen valentines, or holiday may be frustrated! But this should not be allowed!
Without further ado Grammy merely bowed his head in complete agreement, and hastily left the room, telling blow with a general gathering of heroes.

Attention all heroes of the 3rd level! Demons have decided to disrupt the celebration of Valentine's Day, stealing all valentines. The enemy has become stronger in the dragon's cave, and its ranks are seen heroes. Need to beat the demons of the caves and return stolen. For greater efficiency of the attack on the enemy camp will be carried out from two sides: from the dragon's cave and Magma Mines . After the victory over a detachment of the demons, everyone will be able to give conquered in the battle valentine the opposite sex.

By tradition, the heroes who have received the greatest number of postcards will be named Valentin and Valentina Empire.
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