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AuthorIt's That Time of the Year Again~
kk and i'm off lol, school tomorrow ( haven't been on ) this is because of a short intermission of me going out =D ... lol
hey reyron, i believe that u are missing me xD
k guys, reyron is an official flooder cause i said so xD
hey potato, admit that u are green thunder xD
Back after watching SpongeBob SquarePants =P.
Wheeeee~~I'm an official Flooder~~~Wheeee~~~
So when are you guys gonna make the clan?
we r havin that idea !
hey flaminghorse gb? you,i-cant-lay-eggs and me
i want my .ru character to be lv3! then lv11! i luv its tier 6...
Whee...So how much does a clan cost nowadays?
100,000 gold, neat huh?
100k maybe :p
a GB ?
3.9.1. Additional characters are forbidden to post messages at the Main forums. Your communication identity is supposed to go through your main one.
Ban me already lol
i am going to do tourney with my multi !
ok gb after that
wahh 100k so expensive merh...
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