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AuthorIt's That Time of the Year Again~
The Hangman is back!!

Max vowels guesses: 1
Max consonants guesses: 5 (+3 more, apparently this is too difficult :P)

_ _ _ _ _ _ L L
(Clues: Energy, Moves naturally)

F,O and R have no hits!

ahh srraws you do the rest :O meanwhile I will go check my science books for answers XD
The Hangman is back!!

Max vowels guesses: 1 (+1 more free guess, >.<, last act of generosity)
Max consonants guesses: 5

_ _ _ _ _ _ L L
(Clues: Energy, Moves naturally)

A has no hits!
Max vowels guesses: 0
Max consonants guesses: 5

_ _ _ _ _ _ L L
(Clues: Energy, Moves naturally)

U has no hits!
Potatoes got it right :P
windmill :\
I suck.
Last Hangman of the day:

Max vowels guesses: 3
Max consonants guesses: 11

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(Clues: Comic object, I don't feel so good...)
Max vowels guesses: 2
Max consonants guesses: 11

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(Clues: Comic object, I don't feel so good...)

Hehehe, no A.
p, r, g
Max vowels guesses: 1
Max consonants guesses: 11

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ E
(Clues: Comic object, I don't feel so good...)
Max vowels guesses: 1
Max consonants guesses: 8

_ R _ P _ _ _ _ _ E
(Clues: Comic object, I don't feel so good...)
N, T
Max vowels guesses: 1
Max consonants guesses: 5

_ R _ P T _ N _ T E
(Clues: Comic object, I don't feel so good...)

Z has no hits!
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