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You all can talk however you want but all this update comes down to is nothing but taking away all the effort of hard work and real money poured into this game to create an uberstat character.

The "uberstat characters" did not seem to have any objections when they took the opportunity to reach where they are today by spending diamonds to speed up their guild progress. The ones who slowly built their guilds over the years should have also complained like you are now. There is nothing to be said about fairness when we've seen people earning 800 MG points in 1 day because they have no life. Something that took several months or maybe even years for players only a few years ago.
Lawton: propose other solutions or alternatives. I have not seen one from you. What is your advice for admins? Keep game as it is and expect different results?

About those who pay the most for this game, quite a lot of them are in level 21,22, 23. Nobody complains about this. They play. By the way, a large numbers of the campers are also owners of double accounts. One old high level and camper account. They break the rules anyways so they have no right to complain. One glaring example is Venom who should have both accounts blocked ages ago. Not everyone is like that ofc. But i should also complain. With new guilds and points that players receive trough them new players broke all my hunting records i had on lower levels. Admins basicaly erased all my effort. I don't see grinders complain about that do i? What do you say about that? People complain when it affects them directly. When not they look away. So because of that i have no sympathy for anyone right now. Yes. You complain. At everything. You can't deny that. Without offering alternatives it's just that...complaining.
The "uberstat characters" did not seem to have any objections when they took the opportunity to reach where they are today by spending diamonds to speed up their guild progress. The ones who slowly built their guilds over the years should have also complained like you are now. There is nothing to be said about fairness when we've seen people earning 800 MG points in 1 day because they have no life. Something that took several months or maybe even years for players only a few years ago.

What is your point? It is admins who designed something like that to make it possible, it is us who decide to use the advantage, they do not have the right to just snatch our time and money away like this
How is it punishing at all lol? You decide not to be competitive and it is admins who is punishing you? XD:

Whole point is some people have life unlike others. And game purpose is for leisure only not full time time job. Maybe different meaning of game to different people. Who we are to argue on that.

If someone whole definition of game is to pour 10-12 hours a day just to play CG seems silly.

Now, we will see more new players playing cg. And, less players quitting game because they can't compete with people playing game as full time job. If pumped players going to stop playing so be it.
One more thing. Admins own this game. They can do whatever they like. They can also shut it down. Will there be a lot of suicides then? I'm afraid there might be some...
for Jassi:

Who are you talking for? Yourself? Because after the update you have not played a single cg battle, and in last 10 days, you've only played 3(1 with mirror), we get it you have a life and do not want to put in hours, so why are admins trying to get you into playing cg when you're not interested/ have no time for it? and get players like me(who have no life and spend hours in the game and actually care about my stats etc?)

There was a solution which would solve the problem for both the cases, as i mentioned earlier, introduction of PoG would have the same affect on players like you, without spoiling the fun for players like us.
But it is okay for them to allow players to level up their guilds in days when that same process took years for people without diamonds?

So yeah, I say they do have the right, just like they have the right to introduce shitty new guilds and shitty obligations for everyone to simply have a semi-decent character. You can agree to their "designs" only when it suits your needs.
There was a solution which would solve the problem for both the cases, as i mentioned earlier, introduction of PoG would have the same affect on players like you, without spoiling the fun for players like us.

Sure, I'm in favor of Potion of guilds. If it's cheap and accessible to everyone.
Rengar: I do not play because I know you I'm competing against has put in lot of hours.
Also, my hours are very different than most of people.

Just because you are I have totally opinion, that does not mean admins going to listen to either of us. Admins made a decision and that's going to stay here. We will see new changes coming with pumped players either levelling up or stopped players. Either situation is best for players wanted to play cg but could not because of pumped stats
*I do not play because I know who I'm competing against has put in lot of hours and has 5-7 stat difference already.
Also if are seeing my fights. You could see my win ratio in duels was around 80% in level 16 back in July. Now, my win ratio is less than 50%. Am I playing bad all of sudden.

So, having this change was absolutely necessary to encourage more players excited about this game.
for Jassi:
For what it's worth, I'm totally in agreement. I stopped playing CG lately too because these days everyone and their mother has got AG3, MG10 and WG6+ And this does not even include TG which is super important for PvP but also is the biggest chore with the current system that seems to enforce a cycle of wins and losses.
Actually 1/6 is my score in level 17.

Moving from 80% win ratio to less than 20%.

What more evidence people need earlier system of pumping was absolutely ridiculous.
This is one reason why I stopped playing.

Anyone who is protesting this so much about maybe is because they won't be able to have such an unfair huge advantage over others and won't be able to win that many fights as they used to be before.

How much we continue to disagree, this will not change the fact admins did ABSOLUTELY BEST THING THEY CAN THINK OF.
The "uberstat characters" ... reach where they are today by spending diamonds to speed up their guild progress... we've seen people earning 800 MG points in 1 day because they have no life.

The understats players did ermm.. nothing?

So yeah, that's the difference.

And also, yeah we get the point, this change is likely here to stay but not everyone is gonna gloat about how the "lifeless" gets unfairly treated.
Actually 1/6 is my score in level 17

Well I got some sad news for you, it is not really your stats..
Well I'm not going to stoop to your level and start personal attacks only if you have different view as mine

Maybe you self-proclaimed CG god knows better than most of us
I like the update, that does not mean I cannot have some compassion for those who invested a lot(time and/or money). It makes sense that rewards for winning should be more than for losing, it promotes competition, and discourages giving up. However, for some guilds we got to the point where for some, sufficient pumping meant this rewards became self sustaining and accelerated progress, while for those not pumped it slowed their progress. CG being the main example of this. This stretches out the difference between highest starts and lowest, which is not healthy for the majority to have enjoyment if the game(which is the purported purpose of this game).

It is right in my opinion to address this issue.

It would be wrong to change it such that winning gives no advantage, so I different mechanic had to be found.

This pumping mechanic does not remove the advantages, simply reduces them, and so reduces the spread of raw starts in any given combat level. This if course affects those of best starts most. To them inevitably it will be a bad change as they lose out.

To me this is a balance for the time they have been gaining.

You win some, you lose some

However, I must be considerate. Without those who invested their money in this game, there would be no game. If the game was made of players like me, the game would not exist as I have not donated in several years.

The admins know this. They don't want to upset too much any one group, and must balance the needs of the whole community. They have used their judgement to do this, and fair enough. Like it or not, getting grumpy with people having different views has no consequence on the facts on the ground.

It is what it is, work through the anger and you will eventually find yourself in acceptance.
Lord MilesTeg - spot on!
Yeah, I'm not asking to put everyone with identical stats on the same level. All this change means is that you won't see players with almost 10 stat difference against you forever. That is what the old system supported but the new one is trying to correct.

The understats players did ermm.. nothing?

ermmm ok if you say so.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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