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AuthorWizard Faction Topic
Here's a fun series of events many of you will recognise:

Just been assisting a dark elf in a hunt.

I had set my troops up with the garg screen stacks carefully to one side so that my magi could get off a through arrow at the enemy before they arrived.

The helpful DE lined his rogues up in front of my magi before I could get a shot off ... and then when I needed to get my magi out of contact with an enemy stack that had penetrated his screen he blocked it again with his minos

Then instead of hitting the heavier enemy stack away from my guys he killed off the already decimated stack that was protecting my magi from serious damage so the heavy stack could then fly in on the next turn and kill my magi
Well, I would shoot right through those rogues, and serves him right!
for 232, wizard was poor in ambush. But still can win in ambush, especially in level 8 when you have egg. With add hp and def mini art for your egg you will have more chance to win ambush. Before 9 ap rule, I won quite some ambush as level 8 wizard without any art. But the battle would take quite a long period. This is the main problem. The earlier you start ambush the better. And tg 2 won't be a problem for you as I think. :)
Wizards aren't pretty good without their mini cornetto's( arts )
i got a question when i make it to lvl5 how much initiative will i need on my magi to make them faster then elven bowmen?
and also what Faction lvl do i get double Mini arts at
i wan to noe shud i continue to hunt till lvl 5 or jus get my faction up den group battle till lvl 5
i oredi got money for my constructions n bought my arts
*Casts Summon Grammar Lord*

Hunt until level five since it will serve as extra income for you.
245: Magi and elven bowmen have same starting initiative ( 10 ). However on the first round of combat there is a 10% deviation for initiative so if you want to be 100% sure your magi play before elven bowmen you need to have 10% more initiative. However keep in mind that elves got +3% initiative as racial bonus ( same as we get 1 knowledge on level 1 ). Assuming same faction level and same initiative from artifacts you need around +13% initiative to be 100% certain you play first. However about 6-7% initiative and splitting magi in many stacks will usually mean most of those stacks will play before elven bowmen ( and druids ).

246: Double mini artifacts at faction level 4

247: When you reach faction level 7-8 in the future you will need around 1 million gold to make good mini artifacts for all creatures. Group battle at lower levels is generally a bad idea ( of course 1 group battle every few days for fun wont change things a lot ) for wizards.
thx jabber
ty ryric n jabber for the advice (man im going for my funeral march soon getting to lvl 5)
hw much wood and ore i need for 1 mini-art with

a) 8 attack and def
b) 8 attack ,8 def and 2 luck


Each part of double mini artifact costs double than normal one. For triple ones you need triple materials per part. So

a) 8 attack and 8 defense means you need 8x2 = 16 wood and 8x2 = 16 ore for each mini art.

b) For the 8att/8def/2luck triple mini art you need:
8 attack : 8 wood x 3 = 24 wood
8 defense: 8 ore x 3 = 24 ore
2 luck : ( 4 wood + 4 ore ) x 3 = 12 wood + 12 ore

So total 36 wood and 36 ore per mini artifact.
Thx jabbar. I am thinking to change my faction back to wizard but as it seems i need 400k gold only for the artifact of the garg .
You can go with cheaper mini arts than these though :) For PvE and PvP as caster I would say that defense/hp mini artifact on gargoyles is more than enough ( probably better than att/def/luck in most cases ).
The luck thing is needed on gargoyles for pvp with big melee focus ( which is very good after level 10 with dominion of fire talent ).
exactly what does dominion of fire do? lower defense?
It reduces the defence of hitted stacks by 50% for one turn.
Some questions for Wiz lv 5, with faction skill lv 2 (3 in a while).

1) Goblins Engeneers are worth the deal?
If so (i d like to have them ) is the :
6 Garg
26 Engeneers
16 golems
7 magi
Build good enough?

2) Miniarts:
I was planning to give Morale +1 (+2 at lv 3? ) at Golems
and Ini +3% (+4% at 3 ? ) at the magis.
I really don t know if givin +hp to the engeneers is worth the troble it gives gathering money ( a lot !) .
If u have better ideas or I m wrong just tell me plz :)

3)The repair skill.
On the guide the description is very confused.
Simply it says "u can repair mechanical things". Yeah , ok i could have understood it by myself :P
But simply, how does it works? It s similar to raise dead? How am i supposed to deploy engeneers , 1 big units or units number/dimension affects the skill ?

4) Arts:
Wich is the best combo for wiz? For example for my demons , i run steel blade and defend shield. Best combo of effect (+2 atk+3 def) and i recover almost avery coin when i sell them. Is there anything similar with Power and Knowledge?

Thx for help
For tasselor:

I think Gremlin engineers are not very helpful to wizards. They do very little dmg,they die very fast and the take 1 spot where u could have spited yr mages (if u split mages they do more dmg)

2) Golems and garg dont have morale (cause the 1st is mechanical and the 2nd elemental) so giving morale to golems will be just waste of money. I think at lvl 5 its very good idea to add init to mages

3)If yr golems die Gremlin engineers can "raise the dead" spell at them, i am not sure but i think 1 Gremlin engineers fixes 1 golem... If u want to have engineers then i think 1 big stack is the best

4) I cant help u in that , but in hunts&mq its very useful to get art with spell dmg. If u want cheap arts u can use the same arts that u used with yr demon

gl m8

1) Do not use gremlin engineers. Don't even bother to make the building if you are low on gold, use the money for mini artifacts instead is better. You want to have maximum gargoyles to survive long enough to kill everything with spells. Also maximum magi to add some damage ( split in 4-5 stacks of 1-2 magi and do magic punch ) and the rest golems just for the extra hit points.

2) Morale as thrax said does not work on golems/gargoyles. The best mini artifacts you can get should be initiative for magi and defense for gargoyles/golems ( in my opinion gargoyles is most important then magi and golems last one to get a mini artifact ).

3) Every gremlin engineer can repair 4 hit points of golem stack. And they can do that only once per combat ( each stack ). The biggest problem is even the neutrals will first kill your gremlin engineers usually and then the golems so you will not really use that ability ever ( not that its gonna do much to repair 5-6 golems anyway ).

4) There are no good and cheap arts for wizard at level 5 ( except cloak ). The best thing you can do for minimum AP requirement is use a single Combat Staff. It costs around 80g/battle and its 6AP = enough for level 5-6. For harder battles you can use Defender Shield, Cloak and Wizard Cap ( and of course more defense stuff if you become rich! )
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