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AuthorDark Elves faction topic
Im a DE im near lvl 5 for talents should i get basic chaos msgic (ice clod fire ball and stuff)or raise primary parametre every 4 lvls
raise primary parametre means basuc erudition and take the spell power as the point
chaos magic + high spell-power (maybe with arts) is nice!

consider that in this way you can take down bunch of mages or druids...or kill 6-7 elves archer, is not that bad.
chaos magic sucks.
basic chaos magic only gives the equivalent of +1spell power for chaos spells.
it's better to take basic eruditon and +1 spell power: it's the same thing than basic chaos magic for your chaos spells, but it improves your darkness spells too (and delay is very useful)
yeah so when i was level 5 i took basic erudition
to learn ice clod fireball and stuff requires basic chaos magic AND magic guild lvl 3
i jus lost an EFO cuz of my useless racial... tat wizzy won in the end cuz his golems mini arts add 4 atk n beat my mino n tat battle i was weraing full arts while he wore none T_T

a question for sinofsunset: why didnt you split any of your troops?(1st mistake)
some of your mistakes:
- you attacked the gated demon near the wiz. You must know that attacking gated stack doesnt bring you ANY exp nor skills, but nothing. At that turn, you should attack golem to take retal then attack golem with liz, so liz wouldn't get any retal from golem.
- You put you minos too corner. Slow and tank units should be placed near front, cuz when enemy can attack one of your stacks, minos can help. if you put your minos in front, you can attack golem after liz attack golem when golem move. If your enemy dare to attack mino, that unit will b gangbanged by liz and rogues and minos.

btw it is EFO anyway, and because you use arts so ppl ganged on you, like you and others did to that demon. its your fault too.
This is so wrong

At level 5 there is nothing wrong with with the types of units dark elves get, but there is certainly an issue with the lack of numbers.

With poor ranged units (even poisoners) dark elves have no choice but to be aggressive. With a lack of numbers dark elves cannot punch thru a tight corner defence to deal with ranged attackers.

Knights are impossible to beat because of their sheer numbers, and can protect their archers very well. Elves also get a significant numerical advantage and only need to be able to block for 3 rounds to make any enemy force too weak to be effective. In those 3 rounds Rogues and Cavalry will be dead and the slow minotaurs would be swarmed upon.

If you read the Knights topic there are no complaints about Knights. Everyone there is quite happy. 10 Griffins will beat 6 Lizard Cavalry. Due to their unlimited Retaliations and reasonable hitpoints they can control the centre of the battlefield very well. Swordsmen with their numbers will always beat minotaurs, and the number of archers will always make short work of Rogues with just a few peasants or swordsmen needed for blocking.

And the most irritating thing is I am only allowed 1 topic to discuss this, and it is 1 that will hardly be read by anyone.I posted a similar topic elsewhere and had it locked.

Dark Elves need their numbers adjusted. Dark Elves lose very easily to foes with effective ranged attacks (who coincidently have have large numbers of cannon fodder).

It is not a case of losing. It is a case of losing badly against foes that do not need to apply complicated or clever tactics.

for Ravensclaw:


Combat log of the best DE in 1st minor tournament. Watch his duels.

He is good,but the luck was on his side. And now he is a Barb. Why? Becouse lvl 5 DE is weaker than other factions. 5-8 DE have to be lucky if he/she want to win.
for Elm:

Luck was on his side for 17 battles out of 20 - that says something. And if he's barb now, so what? He's also lvl 6, but he was a lvl 5 DE back then, and he was good. My point is, DE are hardly as miserable as Ravensclaw makes them sound.
i think that with 6 spel power and 3 knoledge de very good i win most battles if no one is afk
Thanks guys. I'd like to see what I am doing wrong.

Oh he is very good isn't he... against elves. It gives me some hope (and some luck). Now I just need to perfect my geometry.

However I will keep looking thru and see how he goes against knights.

but when DE has shrew, everything changed~~^^
lvl 6 DE vs elf lvl6

for Ravensclaw:
some faction lose to some other factions in certain levels. You can, for example win against almost everyone at level 3-4, right? And i think you can beat knight at those levels, right? So, what else do you hope? To win against knight at level 1-13? To win against any other factions than DE at level 1-13? Just dream about it, as it will never happen. But yes, unfortunately i had to admit that level 5-6 DE is very weak, so i suggest you to do hunts and quests.
And i see that you are a magic DE. So i suggest you to bring more "meat" than attack. Reduce your rogues and bring max minos. that way you can spend all your mana in a battle. Else, if you are a fighter, then bring rogues is a good one.

If you insist on PvP, try to find battles against a faction that you think you will win, or do group battles. I forgot what a level 5 can win against but for level 6 there are wiz and elves with sprites and no FKs. With little luck, you can also win against necro and knight.
why if we choose talent basic magic level 3 can't use ? how to use level 3 magic
@ 249

I completely agree. This is true in just about every aspect you touched on, but in higher levels, DE almost balances out with other factions "JUST ALMOST" so if changes in recruitment is in order, well other aspects should be taken into account before any actual changes should be made, but yeah due to lack of range units, DE is forced into offense.

DE = Offense
Knight = Number
Demon = Packs
Barb = Brute force
Elf = Powerful ranged units
Necro = long life
Wiz = Magic user

The reason DE should not go magic is due to low recruitment count. It just isnt worth going magic because of this. Wizard = its ok because it has quite some number but back to DE. DE has low recruit count resulting in lower maxed hp concluding in a quicker defeat. DE is forced into might because it must dish out as much damage as possible before being removed from the game. DE is almost exactly like the Elf faction in that it is the melee version of the Ranged version elf is.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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