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AuthorIt's That Time of the Year Again~
does any1 hav pms received from cool or akshy or epicky abt these things !!!

it should b olllld pms :S
# Date: 2010-09-04 04:49:03
# From: Akshat_mittal02
# To: -_NO--NAME_-
# Subject: Re: hey


# Reply
# Back
# Date: 2010-09-30 00:37:55
# From: coolahed
# To: -_NO--NAME_-
# Subject:

Hello Warrior,

There is this nice clan that has choosen you to be among its members

Please check out our clan information and there are a variety of services including repairing arts ,enchanting and loan service!

World Of Light And Shadow clan membership cost 1000 gold. The 1000 gold must be transferred to Leader 'moonhunter' or to me.

Join this nice community and have lots of fun with us^^ And if you need any help pls do not hesitate to contact me or any of our clan members.

Best Regards


Note: I can give you advice on Roulette if you would like:)
# From: coolahed
# To: -_NO--NAME_-
# Subject: thax for backing me up on forum^^

really respectful!

# Reply
# Back
but who was ghost brian?
# Date: 2010-09-30 00:36:45
# From: coolahed
# To: -_NO--NAME_-
# Subject:

I'm banned:(

# Reply
# Back
reply please to who was ghostbrian ( anyone)
# From: Akshat_mittal02
# To: -_NO--NAME_-
# Subject: Re(2):

thats bad man :(
its just a game and u slaped him...

i slap you
*slap* *slap*
# Date: 2010-11-03 14:34:08
# From: coolahed
# To: -_NO--NAME_-
# Subject: akshat is blocked! his new character is epicwinner

give him a mail:))

# Reply
# Back
is it enough ?
ghost brian is cool when he was blocked
the real cool?
because if it was the real cool he owes me 10k lol
nt tha real one

HBk is ghostbrian

he owes me 80k !
hey goky...what about zeny?
angry on me, she dsnt want to talk anymore --"

but she was jst a in game and a friend like yal in real

in RL, i found ma real love <3

hbk ?
uspicious illegal transfers between swordx and georgia !

11-24-09 13:47: Transferred 18000 Gold to Georgia : for thief mask ...
11-24-09 13:39: Sold: 5 Wood for 925 gold to _amnesia_ as lot #1039909. Commission: 9
11-24-09 12:52: Transferred item(s): 'Thief invitation' [1/1] to Georgia . Transaction price: 1 Gold

transfer description thief mask...but the transferred item is THIEF INVITATION ! that too only for 18000 gold !

and between Swordx and kotrin...
11-16-09 11:09: Received item(s): 'Master hunter sabre' [10/10] from Kotrin
11-16-09 11:08: Received item(s): 'Hunter pendant' [10/10] from Kotrin
11-16-09 10:01: Transferred 17500 Gold to Kotrin : Ranking UP

Ranking up bonus must not be given by this guy...master hunter sabre and hunter pendant are 1700 + 300 = only 2000 gold...

the remaining 15500 ?

something suspicious ?
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