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Author[New Event][Light vs Darkness]
Who even came up with the idea of such a retarded Unholy Necro build?

Not a good build, but still playable... you won't believe some of the builds I have seen in this tournament.
for randomr1:
I completely agree with 214 ;)
Dark side's lead brought down to only 42 points :D
So it does seem true that more good light players play over the weekends.
Seems like one more finished, so 41 for tonight. We will have from 8 to midnight tomorrow to beat dark :D
So it does seem true that more good light players play over the weekends

from my observation it is the other way, more bad dark players play over the weekend
for krabylos:
Yeah well one of those two possibilities :P
I don't even think those numbers are true. Admins must have kept it so close to make the event feel more intense.
for AKA:
Well I don't think they would that... I bet there will be some guys out there who will be curious and have the skill to find it out.

Not completely a coincidence though, even last weekend we saw the leader board flip... makes me think more good players in the light side are working adults who are free on weekends.
for virtual_vitrea:

You are quite correct in so far as it really boils down to semantics as to ones own personal definition of a strategy, whether I should have used that word or instead used strategem, gambit, ploy, tactic or one of several others comes dow to that self same precision and variance in nuance of the meaning of the word. However, I felt my meaning was clear, luring enemies is something that is a legitimate thing to do as an attempt to win the game, particularly when there is a stalemate with both sides not advancing and relying on shooters. I will try and elaborate for clarity. For context I will be imagining myself as a DoF BW vs skeletal bowmen.

Both of us are used to having the shooting advantage against a number of opponents, so our base strategy is likely to be shoot there shooters and see if you can kill more of them, then counter attack if they advanace.

In this sort of battle whether I or them gets this advantage is unknown until a few shots are fired, will by gremlins hit luck, will my battlemagi shoot before them. Frequently the necro will have the advantage and since I have greater speed I have the ability to dictate to a certain extent when the exchange of melee will occur. However equally so I can only hit with my genies, which while hard hitting will be in range of bows and get cut down very easily, I need to advance with my sphinx and giants, however giants have a move of 6 and sphinx have a compromise of either getting into battle quickly and then having a low ini, or else being slow to get into combat when waiting for onset. I may therefore move giants a bit more boldly as a riskier move, either they go for them, in which case I can counter without putting myself in range, or else they don;t in which case there is a better chance of it working out with some luck or morale when I am forced into charging forward with genies and sphinx as a result of skelly bows out shooting my gremlins. All this of course timed in with a fireball to try and cut them down quicker.

The point is sometimes it is clear cut that advancing is going to hurt you more than him, they wll stay back and shoot you up till it is the right time to counter on there terms. Sometimes it is clear cut that you have no choice but to just go for it and hope for some luck as they clearly have the significant advantage. Othertimes it is a close run thing, with you offering the possibility of something to get them to change there previous tactic (for me it is people underestimating how much a luck strike on sphinx can switch things around, especially if something has had its defence lower.

I see nothing wrong with this as something to do, and whether it is a strategy in itself, or simply a gambit within a larger strategy is down to individual views.

As to the specific question with regard to retal I think it could be, often there is some reasonable strategic thinking in working out your retal troop, do you have a small troop that can be killed by hero attack, your manouvering of them into position, do you use them to block or retal.
With regard to the standings I am genuiney suprised that dark has done so well, I would have expected most pairings of light to have the advantage as stated previously simply as a result of shooter dominance and therefore who has to advance first. Still, great event, a shame I could not do all the battles in the time
for Lord MilesTeg:
well "strategy" is a broad word and so could mean various different things, your definition of strategy is definitely legitimate as well :)

Well going by factions I think light had the advantage, but playing the event there were too many noobs, way more than I expected so that's the reason dark was leading throughout the event, except the weekends.
Just reread my post (229) I meant For context I will be imagining myself as a DoF BW vs classic necro army with lots of skeletal bowmen.
Easiest fight of my life


my teammate rush and wreak havoc on enemy rank, giving me proper time to set up such as summon, debuff, invisible
Today i think is the best day to play light, won 12 of 13 played today.
Not for me... :(
Easiest fight of my life

watched, and all i can say is your enemy was a sore loser :D

it was nice to see a demon work so well, even if it was mainly luck
Contest is over! Congratulations to the light squad!

Light Squad18,958
Darkness Squad18,893

Was close, only 65 points!
It seems like the light side edged it

oh well it was fun playing :)
Congratulations to the light side! :D
Light Squad18,978
Darkness Squad18,908

Guess some people were still fighting! 70 points lead to Light!

I hope we all learned something from this event, personally I learned that some people are pretty darn stupid.

And defensive tamer DE is a right pain in the backside.
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