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AuthorBanned forum game.
Banned for that Smiley fail !(You never used to post them right ! -_-")
banned for having no name
Banned for having headless creatures called Genies in the army..

(I Wonder How does those genies see where they are going :/)
banned for having birds as slaves

I Wonder How does those genies see where they are going :/ Mystical eye
Banned for........... Noting... (*How much time i will be banned for not havin a name... :( *)
Mercenaries' guild: 3 (593) +7

Banned for being so close to MG 4 =)
Banned for being a member of a silly clan:

#8134 Exploding Lemmings

Banned for having two hyphens in your in-game name
Banned for wearing an iron plate instead of an underwear
Banned for being too cool

haha xD
Banned for being hard..
Banned for being a 'flighter' not a 'fighter' (or 'frighter', or 'freighter')
banned for being wicked
banned for being hard
banned for being hard

Posted twice here. Banned for the same reason. ._.
I want a change in nick!

Banned for banning me for the same reason. -__-
banned for being hard
banned for annoying me
Banned for arr banning
banned for banning people that have been banned because they banned people that was banning other people that was banned.
Banned for stealing my time with unecessary long sentences.
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2008-2025, online games LordsWM