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Author[Mirror] Lords&Heroes. FSP gap.
i won Tut in several Gb and in some CGs awetut he have so good stats cuz he WIN every CG battle and get good fsp/exp ratio

he make the CG dead on .com i think he get only 2 lose

I won Tut on several GB and on CG awell, and im not a good example of a great flp/exp ratio
The top "x"% of .com should be mirrorered to top "x"% of .ru, and all the way down the curve, top to bottum, everyone gets the instant one time FSP boost they need to enjoy the same level of gameplay before the merger.

Another possible option to consider instead of an fsp boost to mirror those numbers...perhaps a one time xp loss so that eventually--pure math here--as we level up naturally we WILL catch up quite quickly.

Either would be a fair approach in my opinion, or some sort of combination of both. I am just sharing my "rough" idea in case you wish to add to it please pm me...I am taking this matter very personally, myself, because I didn't invest the time+money to be among the best on .com to merge and find myself among the worst/average lol. I just wish to enjoy the same level of competitive game-play on the PvP level that I enjoyed prior to the merge. Don't really care that we missed all the events, gold, etc because you cannot miss what you don't know lol. I do miss my character's position in pvp though, and my entire MC is of the same mindset: Give .com players back their ability to fight!

Your calculation is wrong.
mean 1 = 3996, fsp*1.6 limit = 6393
mean 2 = 4996, fsp*1.6 limit = 7993
mean 3 = 5996, fsp*1.6 limit = 9593

In all 3 snapshots, Frank is below fsp*1.6 limit and does not gain more exp.

Only true if those 3 are the only players in CL 13. In case you're not aware, I got my starting numbers from:


Frank's FSP at the start of the theoretical experiment is already the current X*1.6 of CL 13. Any real CL 13 player with FSP equal or greater than Frank's is already granted bonus XP by the mechanic.

Franks reach next fsl and start beating the hell out of Charlies... fsp gaps widens,

FSP gap will widen, all right, but in a negligible degrees. Consider a real elite CL 13 player Eve (this should have been Frank but, oh well):

Currently the XP bonus is in effect, Eve has > 5947 total FSP for CL 13. This is Eve beating the hell out of not so elite CL 13 players:


If you compare the XP/FSP/battle ratio between Eve and the losers, you will see that the difference is very small, around 20 more XP/FSP for losers. It's not such a bad situation and there are other means of getting FSP that does not involve martyring yourself on one of those elites if getting 20 or so more XP/FSP is too much for you. I think this is were events are going to help.
@221: i speak lv.12- he get 2 lose- 1 his mate afk, 1 he afk
It seems we have very different way of thinking:
When I read about Charlie, Dave and Frank, I never thought of them as individuals but more as groups of people: Charlie low fsp/exp, average Dave and highly competitive thoughtfully-trained Frank.

Only true if those 3 are the only players in CL 13

Yes you are right, my deductions are wrong if using 3 individuals (An analysis using 3 individuals???)

But if 3 individuals can achieve 2000 fsp (how long would that take btw?), I am assuming the whole population to increase by 2000 fsp (which I explained is wrong assumption because of fsl advantage of Franks) or are you suggesting while 3 individuals achieved 2000 fsp, the population mean stayed the same?
Dave group IS the population mean in my analysis. Therefore, Frank is within fsp*1.6 limit in all 3 snapshots.

To prove reduction in fsp gap (2.56 to 1.4), you used 3 individuals gaining 2000 fsp but then you use 'old' population mean to compare Frank's fsp*1.6 limit?

FSP gap will widen, all right, but in a negligible degrees.

Negligible degree… EXACTLY, you got it RIGHT!!!

Using a parameter of 1.6 in fsp*1.6 limit is POINTLESS… too loose to normalise FRANKS (or FRANKs++) or CHARLIES... Gap is negligibly changing (YOUR own words), elites (Franks) are minority by definition and will beat the hell out of most Daves and Charlies INDEFINITELY at their ‘comfortable’ fsp*1.6 limit.
For clarity (i am only investigating combat level 13 players.. and their theoretical journey):

But if 3 individuals at combat level 13 can achieve 2000 fsp (how long would that take btw?), I am assuming the whole population of combat level 13
Solution (using the 3 individuals)
Using fsp*1.6 formulae:
In snapshot1, frank has fsl 10, Dave fsl 9, Charlie fsl 8, disgusting and unfair PvP battles with Franks at an advantage and all 3 individuals gaining same exp/fsp (remember, frank is within fsp*1.6 limit).

NEW formulae fsp*1.3 (example),
Franks still have an advantage over Dave and Charlie.
But guess what, frank will earn more e exp and will normalise to fsp*1.3 limit. This extra exp will make Franks turn to combat level 14 SOONER. Therefore, combat level 13 got rid of this freak fsp*1.6-ish elite SOONER to the BIG boyz of combat 14. Dave and Charlie (which have closer fsp gap) will now compete each other in events instead.

Frank (fsl 10) the elite of combat 13 who moved to combat 14 earlier, is now tasting defeat by Freak elite combat 14 (with fsl 11). In his absence, Charlie and Dave (fsl 8 and 9) are ‘catching up’ in combat 13.
By the time ‘recuperated’ Charlie and Dave reach combat 14, freak elite combat 14 would have moved on to combat 15 and previously ‘defeated’ Frank (still at fsl 10) can now ‘exploit’ Charlie and Dave again… but now with a lower fsp gap and hopefully with a narrower window during which Frank has fsl 11 before he join combat 15).

This is normalisation over time.. no this fsp*1.6 allowing huge fsp gap… therefore big window where higher fsl beating the hell out of lower fsl in EACH combat level.
+1 to post #222 by Limustudotcom
When I read about Charlie, Dave and Frank, I never thought of them as individuals but more as groups of people:

I said theoretical only because I was too lazy to find real individuals with exactly those amount of total FSP. I was just trying to dispel the scary vision that we will be forever behind the elites by those ratios (1.6 or 2.56). I was reacting to this: This INability of parameter (1.6) to function means NOTHING will get regulated if all players are given the same opportunities i.e. those at fsp*1.6 limit will stay at high fsp/exp while those at fsp/1.6 limit will stay at low fsp/exp... and this means a maximum HUGE 2.56 GAP!

Of course, without intervention, Charlies and Daves will never equal (only approach) Franks if they match them move for move starting now but it is not as bad as always having a constant 2.56 and 1.6 gap. Did I misunderstood your statement?

are you suggesting while 3 individuals achieved 2000 fsp, the population mean stayed the same?

Seems like the case to me. The mean FSP for CL 13 is constantly being raised by all the fights and battles within the CL but it is also being constantly lowered by relatively high FSP players exiting to CL 14 and relatively low FSP players entering from CL 12. It's going to take a catastrophic change to budge that mean.

Negligible degree… EXACTLY, you got it RIGHT!!!

By that I meant, Eve was getting only little XP/FSP advantage per battle compared to those who lose to her. Consider the first battle link:


Eve got: 15316 XP and 5.53 FSP or 2769.62 XP/FSP.
Loser got: 4042 XP and 1.45 FSP or 2787.58 XP/FSP.

Of course, she gets more total FSP in the fight but she gets pushed faster to the next level too.

NEW formulae fsp*1.3

Are you saying you've given up trying to hit that X*1.6 mark yourself? I think we should give it a shot and see how far we can go first. XD
+ 1 Limustudotcom
good to see you around here still too ^-^
+1 for 222 1st part
agree with fsp boost
not very happy with xp reduction..i would rather play like this instead of reduced xp
+1 to post 222. Id love it either way. Happy to earn the fsp as long as xp went down.
I agree with Limustudotcom and +1 to him.
+1 agree with Limustudotcom
Agree with Limustudotcom! +1!
+1 limustudotcom
+1 Limustudotcom. Great ideas to correct the issues. Please consider them or help to implement something similar.
+1 agree with limustudotcom
+1 Limustudotcom. Great ideas to correct the issues. Please consider them or help to implement something similar.
+1 Limustudotcom. Great ideas to correct the issues. Please consider them or help to implement something similar.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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