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Author[Military Clan] #153 League of Shadows
Welcome to newest member:

03-28-11 09:47: 17knight has joined the clan.

Welcome newest members:

03-28-11 22:14: Wm-Wallace has joined the clan.
03-30-11 12:41: Navitus has joined the clan.
03-31-11 13:02: Bafu has joined the clan.

May you all do well here. Sorry for the delay, but life outside of the game has me quite busy--and since nothing is happening on the server, it is perfect :)

Still lookinf for the best in the business to join one of the top military clans. We pride ourselves as being the cleanest MC around, we don't do cheaters.

Also bare in mind we aren't the most hardcore clan going, we don't expect you to spend 15 hours a day on LWM.com

If you want to join a community but not to be seen as having no life then League of Shadows is great for you.
Been really busy, sorry for the late updates.

1. BCS sale is still open.
2. Reminder that cheaters are asked to correct their ways if they decide to cheat AFTER joining LoS...if they refuse they are evicted without refund and immediately reported.
3. If you are currently a cheater seeking membership, apply to a different Military Clan that doesn't care who joins them--we won't EVER let you join without correcting your logs (or with that account, sometimes you are in so deep a new account is your best bet).
4. You can beg, or even try to bribe all the recruiters...and your situation won't change. You still won't be joining. We take membership very seriously here.

Many applications, none accepted. I received one funny PM from a rejected candidate that went literally like this:

i want to join in League of Shadows
how can i do thes?>

"You cannot join us because you cheat. Sorry"

all of player are cheating.


Don't waste our time if you are a cheat. Join a different MC, or do everyone a favor, and start new cheat-free characters.

I am not usually on during the weekend--so here is your chance to PM me if you have any questions about our clan.

Got really busy, wasn't able to log again until now :)

I will reply to all PMs.

I am well aware the game is pretty boring at the moment, and that LoS should lower its expectations and allow cheaters among the ranks--there are plenty of other MCs on the server that do that. Join them, or do the community a favor...and clean up your log or make a new account--then you can join us.

Even if we're the last honest clan on the server, we don't care. We take pride in our work.

Back in charge.

Real life issues has been solved, so I am back!

New applicants can write me again regarding recruiting.
Glad to hear you're back, Ric!

Throwing a huge party today in honor of my son (he won't leave the womb till June). I won't be online much this weekend, so please contact a recruiter for information. Today's mission will be to bbq 100 lbs of meat for my guests :)

Hope you all have a great weekend. Don't spend it all behind the pc ;)

Server is still silent, but there are many of us that still play. Many cheat, but we do not.

Join our proud clan if you deem yourself eligible for membership! If you cheat, do not waste our time!

Welcome to a former member, and a new one:

04-21-11 19:26: Fogonero has joined the clan.
04-18-11 17:09: Woodywoodchuck has joined the clan.

May you both do well here.

Potential members:

Please clean up your logs before applying.

Current members:

Please don't get too comfortable and think you can start cheating after you've joined us...you'll get busted by an admin or one of our random sweeps.

Up ^^
Welcome to our newest member:

05-02-11 01:07: TmanTitanium has joined the clan.

May you do well here.

Welcome to our newest member Berserkas

05-03-11 18:31: Berserkas has joined the clan.
Welcome to our newest member Bildukas!

05-07-11 16:42: Bildukas has joined the clan.

May you have a long and happy career here = )
Congrats to all who are participating in LoS battles for the event!

We understand how valuable your game-time is, and we thank you for your efforts. Maybe someday they will make the events skill based and not free-time based so we can have a lot more fun with such events.

Recruitment is still open. We will be changing up the clan a bit in the coming months.


1. Rule concerning "jumping" has been changed a bit. Please read it.

2. I finally hit 15 xD I know a bunch of you were saying that most other big MC clans have lvl 15 leaders--you now have your wish granted ;)

3. Clan chat has a lot of interesting people in it. Be sure to visit to meet some of your mates.

4. Please don't start cheating after you join our clan. We are not a haven for cheaters...random checks are done weekly. Don't get caught red-handed: You will be evicted without refund.

To potential recruits:
Come join one of the best groups of people on the server! We aren't "serious" gamers: ie we have rich lives outside of the game. So if you want to join a relaxed environment with people that like to win their battles--but not spend 20 hours playing games--this is the clan for you!

Attention for those unfamiliar with 2nd character policy in LoS:

If you join as a Main character, and decide to become a 2nd character to a new main for any reason...you will be evicted when discovered. So just leave on your own and join us with your new main char :)

I hope you all had a great weekend!

Recruitment is still open.

Currently we hold 4th place in the rebel event. With more players, I am sure we could move up in the future :)

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