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Oh on .ru
read the news :P

about 10 lines above the pictures of the new artifacts you ll see this:
"Today, our artifacts will not break!"
wow this should be our next upgrade totally unfair
Actually, I think it's fairer that we don't have it. If it's a permanent change, then it's going to cause a huge devaluation in everything. If it's just a temporary deal, that would be okay.
"Today, our artifacts will not break!"

See that today that sneaked in there? Certainly not permanent :P
Well, it's a translation, so I wasn't really sure. It could mean "Starting today" just as easily as it could mean "Only today".
Obviously it was for one day only :)
Does anyone know how the war clans are fighting each other? duels, 2vs2 3vs3...
No one knows, because clan wars aren't implemented yet.
Can anyone explain the discrepancy in the donation system? When you donate here, it's one diamond per Euro, if you're paying with the Dollar, it goes through a conversion process, and get about 40 diamonds for $50. But on the .ru server, it's already in Dollars, $50 = 50 diamonds. What gives?
Can anyone explain the discrepancy in the donation system?
Administration, no one else.
Can anyone explain the discrepancy in the donation system? When you donate here, it's one diamond per Euro, if you're paying with the Dollar, it goes through a conversion process, and get about 40 diamonds for $50. But on the .ru server, it's already in Dollars, $50 = 50 diamonds. What gives?
lol the places u use euros u need dollars
and the places u use dollars u need euros
i think they did it on purpose :)
lol the places u use euros u need dollars
and the places u use dollars u need euros
i think they did it on purpose :)

Russian have theyr own currency called rubel they dont use euro. They are not part of EU either :)
This only a theory but it makes a bit of sense. Back when the .ru server began the dollar was still slightly more stable than the euro. Noticing the major decline in the international value of the dollar over the last couple years, I would imagine they implemented Euro donations on this server to see if it did better or worse. Considering that the English server is relatively new, they probably don't have enough information to decided whether both should go Euro or Dollar.

Most free games these days ask for donations in Euros... when a few years ago most asked for donations in USD.
Can anyone explain the discrepancy in the donation system? When you donate here, it's one diamond per Euro, if you're paying with the Dollar, it goes through a conversion process, and get about 40 diamonds for $50. But on the .ru server, it's already in Dollars, $50 = 50 diamonds. What gives?

Not absolutely so! On .ru 1 diamond there are 30 roubles... And 1$ now = 33 roubles! 50$ = 1650 roubles... And it is 55 diamonds!) but not in it an essence! Economy... At present the countries where it is used $ a standard of living above than in Russia... Accordingly salaries and the price of money different) and in general... It is not necessary to compare two servers! They absolutely different... On there is much that is not present on .com....




http://translate.google.com/translate?prev=_t&hl=ru&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fdaily.h eroeswm.ru%2Fn%2Fnagrazhdenie_pobeditelei_voiny_s_gnomami&sl=ru&tl=en&history_state 0=
delete space in link
Hacked by BOROD@

Is this an April Fool's joke, or what?
what was the downtime they just had for
april fool joke lol and the admins brings nothing to us =( not that i'm ungrateful or anything
Well, can anyone explain the joke? New Year monsters and Women's Day I can fathom, but the relevance of the name Borod is completely lost on me.
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