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Author#136 'Dragon Heroes' ---- opening to the fantasy world
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Merry Christmas! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Our clan wants to wish every clanmate: "Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!"

BTW, our Christmas Party is over, and I just send the presents to everyone who joined the party:

First Prize --> Eternal:
'Wizard attire' [50/50]
1 total free 4% earth enchanting on your weapon from GGW
1 free repair from binghuo before 01/15/2009.

Second Prize --> Zehir:
'Amulet of luck' [25/25]
1 total free 4% earth enchanting on your weapon from GGW
1 free repair from binghuo before 01/15/2009.

Third Prize --> Herko:
'Amulet of luck' [25/25]
1 free repair from binghuo before 01/15/2009.

Everyone else who joined the party received 1 'Amulet of luck' [25/25] as present.

The total free 4% earth enchanting from GGW worth over 16,000 gold each. Plz contact GGW directly for the present.

The 1 free repair from binghuo worth up to 17,360 gold each. Plz contact binghuo and use it before 01/15/2009.

If you have any questions, plz feel free to contact binghuo.

Finally, Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
welcome to:
chinata [Necromancer] 7
iwen [Knight] 9
Ruin [Knight] 8
ThenUAngeL [Elf] 7
Happy New Year, our dear clanmates!
~~~~~~~~~~ Clan Discount Smith --- Repair 80%, you pay 90% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

You can pay only 90% of the repair cost to repair 80% of the max durability in our clan.

Express service: you pay 100% and pm me to let me know, then I will move your art to the head of waiting line.

Plz send your money and art to our smith, binghuo, following the instruction here:

1) In your inventory, click on the name of your artifact to see its description page and find the original repairing cost at the bottom of the page.

2) Calculate the repairing cost as (90% * original repairing cost), then transfer the gold to binghuo, and note as "DH 90% repair cost for ?"

3) In your inventory, click the "transfer" link of this artifact under the name of your artifact, and in the "Item transaction" page fill in the form as follows:
Enter character name: binghuo
Golds: 1 (Plz put only 1 gold here, it's what I need to pay you.)
Transfer with recall in: 1 days, 0 combats and "Allow repairing".

Then, just wait a few hours, binghuo will return it once it get repaired.
~~~~~~~~~~ Our clan’s monthly competition --- Star of Dec 2008 ~~~~~~~~~~~

I am sorry for the late announcement, but I was too busy with my home moving.

Now, here wo go:

The star of Dec 2008 is:
zehir with 496 labor points
He win 1 thief mask.

Second prize, 10000 gold to:
yjfish 434

Third prize, 2000 gold to:
heart 416

The ones are so closed to win a prize:
GGW: 411
function: 403
binghuo: 400

And also, the competition for Jan. 2009 has started and you are automatically in. For the new comers who has no idea what is the competition, plz check our clan page.

Thx to dougdandan, who updated the new data during new year holiday.
Our tax system has some changes:

1. From now on, the weekly tax formula is changed to 300*(combat lvl) gold.

2. You can pay only 4 weeks in advance.
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Real fantasy world
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