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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
Iam bored of shamans...what kind of recruitment do u guys take?
Magic guild 2 cast mass decay (poison)
I need black and Jade dragons !
bye guys :)
Sphyx with senior genies are awesome...
Or u can go for invoker with clerics or sky shaman or magic guild and more..
Im out of ideas right now :P
Blackdragons + everything on attack and initiative parameter :D
I too want them but when do u get the option to unlock tier 7..
Necro troops with ring of doubt is also good option..
Last match lava and magma dragons were awesome.. :D
ANyone wants to play with me ?
I need a permanent buffer for my jades/Twilight
U could have come before..
M not playing now -_-
I could have helped u wid my. Senior genies
Hey black dragon immune to magic.
you can't buff it
I like shadow dragon too.. They r also great
I want to try them.. >_< *_*
for ElfMoon:
read my post again, i asked for jades/twilight

Black dragon doing awesomely till now :D
Ops I was looking on post 21806 xD
Omg in wanted to say mirage dragon..
Huh how can I forget what to type -_-"
Afk team mate -_-

This is going bad to worse
12/17 :(
afk in clan battle o.O
Lol poor guy..
afk in clan battle o.O
could have won that one...
3 loss in a row :(
Must have been net problem..
Ur fate has written something else for u.. ;) :P
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