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AuthorDemon faction, Tipps and Tricks.....
You mean this? https://www.lordswm.com/help.php?section=37

I don't see any change. It is still the "old" description.
Don't mix them up

You will be able to distract enemy troops with the summoned armies and destroy them with your main forces, use magic or simply run them over with everything you've got

this is here

In battles, demon players are supposed to combine attacks with the assist of magic.

and here

No change
Whoops, sorry
Well don't bother the description. for knights they say they have weak magic but thats not the case isn't it :P

Any Idea how to kill them ? thx .. :)
Platin wolves... I hate'em...this pack attack is annoying.
I have no idea...
You have a chance when there are only 2 big stacks and they start to attack the gated stack instead of real ones (low chance)...
With so much stacks it is pretty much impossible in low AP for demons, a mage with chain lightning maybe...

It is the same, when you have 8000 peasants in 5 stacks or in 2 stacks...ok, 2 stacks is also hard because of the speed increase, but at 5 it is pretty much impossible because of higher reach on the map and the morale bursts...
try darkness magic like mass delay. it will push ur troops up the atb scale. this way u can get more hits and possibly weaken them before they get a chance to hit.
These are the top 3 records for level 12 demons for killing plains wolves:
1) -Fox- [Demon] [12] - 1185
2) Patrickou [Demon] [12] - 1039
3) JuanRamirez [Demon] [12] - 883

1st rank used the same build as you did, but was equipped with arts that provided 5 more attack, 4 more defense and 1 luck. Also +15% range damage and +17% melee damage.

2nd rank used enchanted arts, plus with hunter set bonus, and +15% melee damage.

3rd rank used full GH set.

To beat 1018 plains wolves, you probably should try following what they did.
In minAP PvP lvl 11 against what faction (and build) we (mightDemon) have chance?
Please post your oppinions, battle links would be nice too:)
I'd say on lv 11 demon Min AP has a good chance against Wiz, DE; bad chance against Elves, Barb, Necro; fair chance against Knight.

Wiz: No arts = weak spells, low def.
DE: Minimum ranged unit, hydra and mino are avoidable due to low speed n init.

Barb, Necro, Elves: Supreme ranged unit in Min AP = win

Knight: Good ranged unit, but slow and has unreliable damage range. I think Demon still has a chance.

I don't have any battle links to prove this, it's more of a speculation on my side. Still better than nothing I guess :p
thanks for the answer...I'll try that out soon, but I am not a bright pvp player, so my result won't be universal...
I failed knights brigands 17...
Would it be doable somehow or is it really extremely hard?
It is so annoying that I need 46 AP for the merc. quests and so are some of them still undoable...

Hard to kill van of DE .. :) any IDeas how to kill them ? thx .. :)
I think you did it the wrong way... I always use tactics, spread my cerberi into 2 stacks and block with them the poisoners from shooting...
as you can see it here:
Ok, in your example the shrews are too many...note that the lower shrew does not attack cerberi and the hydra doesn't bother with attacking anything, just goes straight for the GBM...
newbie Demon, wht should be the best talent against non-shooters in hunt or MG,
i can see demon have no leadership talent :(
for Mohini:
Your talent setup it's just fine.

As for the no leadership talent, I sometimes get 2 rings of inspiration morale to compensate ;)
I'd just like to ask, what are demons actually good at? Is there anything that we specialize in, that we can have advantages in over other factions?

I hate to say it, but there must be a reason why demons are the least popular faction.
I hate to say it, but there must be a reason why demons are the least popular faction. may be on day admin will reduce chaos talent point into 7 :) then we can see the result :D(only my idea)

I think demon is one of the factions which are hardest to master. Fragile units, gating, it's not like DE where you just run and attack with your shrews or knight, where you wait until the enemy is in xbow's range.

Maybe that's the reason it's so unpopular. Maybe this faction is still a bit unbalanced, but I'm not that into it to judge it.

What I can say: Demon is pretty good against caravans and slow creatures.
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