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Author[News] Assist the Packmasters!
You know what guys? I think no matter how the things go, this event is definitely off da hook, in other words it's great. It's great in a different aspects, like in ratios, in huge number of combats you can participate in, it's great because both sides can take part, it's great because the thieves can get aditional TG points, it's great because we witness those mutated elves that use the chaos magic and we keep on wondering, wassup with the water they been drinking that made them mutate in that way, it's great in multiple aspects even though you have to times from times encounter yourself in a losing process to weaken those packs' to later on continue winning.

It's really great even though from time to time thieves might face a non-thief alongside the packmaster and in most of those cases be demolished. BUT it's still great because it was a really long time since the last event here.

That's why I wish it lasted for a long long time ;)

GL to y'all thieves and non thieves with your combats!
he used 120% ench and still lost to players. Sure it should be harder than before, but not impossible. You can't really step it up much more than 120% enchants ^^

seems like he is unlucky:(

it happens mate, even i(non-thief) lost to few players who used regular full arts with no enchants. and lost to 9/10 people who used enchants.

because at the end both of us gained with some good exp and fsp:)
see the better side.
yea i also change my mind this event is great i change my tactic for +3 morale and +3luck and im pwning the players just won with wizzard lvl 12 + packmaster while im just lvl 13 , i pwned about 5 players now exp + skill point is massive and then you get this extra TG point great event !!
The buffaloes deal sooo much damage. Why should they flee? Perhaps that could be done with elephants since they don't deal much damage, they just have huge health + defense. But don't give him any ideas, it is already hard enough for thieves :P

This event would be better if:

1. Minimum herd has 2 animals.
2. Packpaster flees battle if only 1 animal is left. Surviving animal gets controlled by defender.
3. Whoever wins battle gets to ride the animal!
4. Remove minimum ammunition point restriction for defender.

With the current system, thieves have no choice but to slaughter all animals just to eliminate the Packmaster(darn spells). Which is a shame because it leaves no animal to ride after the fight...
They run away a little easily when on their own, the AI doesn't seem to work out when it has definately won. For example


He ran away just as I ran out of mana, with my stack of 10 or so gargs still alive, no chance of a win whatsoever.

As a result I was expecting a loss with an ok FSP ratio, instead a win with lots of exp, still, gotta love the TG points
I love how thieves keep whining. especially some elves, who start abusing the defenders, when they realize that they start to lose.
such a pleasure.
Does anyone know when/how this event will end?
Does anyone know when/how this event will end?
Only Administration do know that, noone else does.
close fight :)
How would i even have a chance here? :S
haha - after 3 losses i thought i try again.

This time using full normal arts and had just 2 bulls and 2 elephants + full arts wiz at same lvl - so lost again :)

Then i thought .. ah .. they made it easier and fair - so tried again with fully enchanted thief set.

Gots tons of bulls + tons of elephants ... so lost again.

So i am done with this ... Good luck to the still playing thiefs :)
bah, at first, I was also frustrated a bit when players joined forces with packmaster. now, I play anyway because exp/fsp is wonderful. and if I win, having a mount is cool, too :)
so once again: thanks admins!
So does anything from this event last? Like can we rent animals after the event is over or something else?
It's not over yet? I'm running out of skeletons here! XD
event was great sure.. but why to make event where players who play a lot are forced to lose purpose to be able to win, rly hate it.
It's not losing. It's tactical withdrawal! XD
It's not losing. It's tactical withdrawal! XD

what is minimum lvl
You need to be at least level 8 to help defend the Packmasters.
Has anyone had a battle where the packmaster shoots his own animals with magic?

I had one where the guy just attacked his own troops twice.

This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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