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Author[Fan art contest] Everyone is invited to participate
read this and see my art work its a comic only not a collection

So basically your fan art can be any CG (computer generated) picture of any creature of LWM, maybe some scene from a combat, it can be comics stylized or anything of that matter your imagination could probably come up with.


and my work is a comic only not more than that
what u say now ?
[How to?]
- post your fan art in your photo album (https://www.lordswm.com/ephoto_albums.php), only 1 piece per 1 contestant is allowed
- post a link to it in this thread
- let people vote for your art piece and post comments on it

The above was at post nr. 1. Clear enough in my humble opinion.

Are you whining so much for advertising purpose? ;)
I say...all your posts should be deleted on the grounds that you are trying to get sympathy votes
ha thats all is 1 piece for me its only 1 comic
that you are trying to get sympathy votes
what votes? )) he did not manage to submit his work b4 the deadline so he's not in the contestants' list so he get 0 votes automatically)

other contestants who wanted to sublit their short comics somehow managed to merge their pictures into 1 graphics file and why there should be any exceptions for anyone? should've made your choice yesterday, had enough time for that.
(almost) obvious question:

Voting for oneself does count? Or it falls under the clanmates rule?
I'd like to post mine:

To me, thats more what vampires and zombies should look like :)
Voting for oneself does count?

I'd like to post mine
It's too late
[Post deleted by moderator cantbstopped // Entries aren't accepted anymore, the deadline to submitting was on Jan.27]

I thought the contest ended on Febuary 1st. Doesn't that mean we still have a few days to make applications.

The contest will last to the end of January and on Feb.1 I'll post the results.
for Serpentguy:
[Post deleted by moderator cantbstopped // Quick reminder: votes for your clanmates will not count]

That´s somewhat unfair. Players that don't belong to a MC can have their works chosen by anyone, so it's an instant advantage.
I can see some MCs have a lot of players voting... so participating players from those clans are at an instant loss, 'cause all their mates are voting for the adversaries. I guess they're praying clan-mates won't vote at all...

@cantbstopped: please take this as constructive criticism. You had a great idea and you should be praised for it (actually, I think you should be rewarded with 5% of the pot for your efforts - maybe out of the 3rd placed share).

PS: I voted on the works I thought were best. I didn't even check the names of the players.
for syrian:
That's somewhat unfair.
That's the rules and it doesn't matter if they seem fair or they don't. It's actually not a subject of discussion but rules to follow. And the rules will not change. At least in this contest. Amen.

You had a great idea and you should be praised for it (actually, I think you should be rewarded with 5% of the pot for your efforts - maybe out of the 3rd placed share).
Thanks for you kind words but I've organized this contest for fun but not for money or fame or anything of that matter.
And the rules will not change.

And that's to be respected. You just can't please everyone lol

I've organized this contest for fun but not for money or fame or anything of that matter.

Not saying you didn't, but to each his own. When someone deserves credit... he should accept it.
I'm ready to spend 2,000 into the pot as well
Great idea :)
for cantbstopped:
Could you change your policy of transfers for a while?

cantbstopped chose not to receive transfers from characters of your combat level and below!
Could you change your policy of transfers for a while?
Yeah, sure
where is my lizard?
where is my lizard?

OMG, that's probably my biggest mistake right there since I somehow missed ur entry when making that gallery.

Actually I've checked my lists all a way down this thread and have found out ur lizard vanished between these two lists:

https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1897065&page=4#569083 (it's there)

and on the next one it's gone:

I sincerely apologize for this mistake I've made mate. I guess I've copied incomplete list when I was reposting it and that caused your entry to disappear from that list. Sorry again mate :(
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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