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AuthorNeutrals speak :-)
lol cant:P
i was afk for a while and they said this

[Mercenary warriors]:move your ass
[TheSilentkiller]: ok
[TheSilentkiller]: hehe haha
[Mercenary sorcerers]: u how old king duffy1
[TheSilentkiller]: no
[TheSilentkiller]: duffy is a singer
[Mercenary sorcerers]: no , but she was a freak lol
1~0:[Farmers]: hello
2~0:[black_star]: hi
3~0:[Farmers]: lets kill the demon first
4~0:[black_star]: try
5~0:[Farmers]: come
6~0:[black_star]: i will
7~0:[Farmers]: get one of your farmers to run away
8~0:[black_star]: cowards
9~0:[Farmers]: no i didnt quit
10~0:[black_star]: so lets go
11~0:[Farmers]: u cant
12~0:[black_star]: i can
13~0:[Farmers]: he will rogue to kill then
14~0:[black_star]: no rogues
15~0:[Farmers]: can use 1 more 8mana magic arrow and 4mana magic arrow
16~0:[black_star]: no de hero here
17~0:[Farmers]: gremlin to 4 elven
18~0:[black_star]: no grem no elven
19~0:[Farmers]: yup
20~0:[black_star]: yes
21~0:[Farmers]: heh ya that was the way my luck goes too
22~0:[black_star]: u no luck
23~0:[Farmers]: shit happens
24~0:[black_star]: yes it does
25~0:[Farmers]: if you are dum it is your moms foult
26~0:[black_star]: :'(

1~5:[Guardians]: greetings, worm.
2~6:[syrian]: greetings, shrew-food
3~6:[Guardians]: u shit
4~6:[syrian]: well "shit" is about kick your surprisingly rude ass
5~7:[syrian]: no morale, uh? ehehe
6~7:[Guardians]: morale doesn't affect necs
7~7:[syrian]: oh, so you're undead now?
8~7:[Guardians]: ur it pht
9~13:[syrian]: damn, you died so fast...<
i'm on a roll here... very chatty, these guys. and these were not insulting :)


1~7:[Incendiaries]: hi all
2~8:[syrian]: hi dudes
3~8:[Incendiaries]: you should really keep your sprites in the forests
4~8:[syrian]: and i do...
5~8:[Incendiaries]: gg mate
6~8:[syrian]: hey, not over yet!
7~8:[Incendiaries]: it is
8~8:[syrian]: yeah, i know :)
9~8:[Incendiaries]: yj give up
10~8:[syrian]: no, always fight to the end!!
11~8:[Incendiaries]: opps
12~9:[syrian]: sorry about that ;)
13~9:[Incendiaries]: well, we lost forest keepers =(
14~9:[syrian]: they never came to help you in the first place...
15~14:[syrian]: so is this it?
16~14:[Incendiaries]: and they are lv 5
17~14:[syrian]: i bet they are
18~14:[Incendiaries]: tard?
19~14:[syrian]: turd lol
20~14:[Incendiaries]: more action all the time
21~14:[syrian]: yeah, just never give up
22~14:[Incendiaries]: exactly
23~14:[syrian]: :)<
LMAO syrian:-)
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