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AuthorRevert com server to pre merge discussion (who supports?)
for slayerofall:
look at ur clan leader status and sit down :(

look at complaints forum and see for yourself who else is complaining. also quite obvious knowing what country you're from lol
ur 2 past battles russian teammates went afk (most probably on purpose to make u lose bro cuz they see ur english name) dont be so naive and suck up to ur cheater clan leaders haha
or did u forget ur whining

last few games afks into losses... :) guess thats it for this event for me.
Let's create a server and then send Kchong there to play alone in his own little delusional world. Let's vote: Who's in favor?
Battle just happened

Russian player (weak unskilled player) decided to meteor shower my troops after i shot wardens instead of forest keepers with 91 defense in attempt to throw the game. (he asked to shoot forest keepers)

We won in the end after he says it was a mistake but it was very obvious intentional as he without hesitation meteor shower my troops within 2s lol. filing a report right now.

for Arcanide:
he will whine about himself to himself and cry about small brain activity happening around him by him

inception 2.0 on kchong ching ching theory
look at ur clan leader status and sit down :(

your clan literally had mass block and exodus a few months back, did you eat the raw worms again with damage to forget it so soon?
The last thing I remember from the .com server was boredom.
Lwm people grow up, some of them at least, forums were full of rampant under age nonsense noise I for sure like it better now.
I've got older, not sure how much more I've grown up....
Quite funny to see people from certain country being racist openly, probably works in a call center begging for 5 star reviews lmao

Sure is proud being a racist sir haha
for kchong:
says somebody who cannot claim their own nationality and only thing they are capable of is sprouting kimchi bullshit

are a very very lazy man who is egoistic and filled with narcissism, or just an average boat riding border crossing "global citizen"
Idk bro your parents must be proud raising such a racist person lol

Keep on spreading all these vulgarities. I’m personally disgusted by it, as are many others but I’ll forgive u knowing which country you’re from and that’s probably how you and your people are brought up. So much hatred :(
I need a day of the adventurer lol idt we even got specisl days on .com
for kchong:
a thief never looks at himself when the police sirens start, dont worry my parents are plenty proud, but are you sure you know who your parents are? they gave you up for adoption at birth or floated you in bamboo boat hoping you reach west?

my people are brought up working hard and getting high in corporate levels, not that a forgotten malay malaria kid will know the meaning of hard work? tell me honestly what job do you do? poop eater or medical test specimen?

you give too much vile energy and somebody severely unhappy with their life, please seek therapy
Lol where r u from

What vile energy? Seems to me you’re the one with the disgusting language lmao

U r one of the reasons players from com server left
I support the merge so I don't have to play with hapkoman anymore
for kchong:
hahaha sure buddy sure, whatever floats your bamboo boat

delusion is a strong tool for weak minds
delusion is a strong tool for weak minds

I agree :)

Looks like he finally understands
I support the merge so I don't have to play with hapkoman anymore

Good riddance I'd say :D
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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