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AuthorChallenge 100k card battle
seems like none want to answer question but throw insults lol and act all defensive horde mentality pity this game is dominated by them
I think I know which but I can't say in case some people offended

i knew ths people from certain country like to act all defensive for no reason

This is the definition of race discrimination if you don't understand what you're saying.

i never insulted any country

You didn't insult any country, you insult the people from certain countries.
where did i insult anyone?

asking ppl where they from is insult? lol only insilt if u guys think is insult
I answered you.
he is like that all the time, wont tell from which country he is but loves to set the narrative that people from one country are the intolerant ones

like i said he wont name his own country, but he is a white supremacist, i have been fined for calling this idiot the same before also
Guys chill it’s only a thread about a Card game
When asking where player from are racist, then how to be not?
Calamity indeed bring calamity for people around you for arise not visible matter.

Stop digging problem. I though here people are never OOT :(
I am way too old to know what OOT means and google didn't help, can you explain?

It is very common today people not to realize that are being racists, especially here due to the origin of the game.

Not the first time for the op, many can remember the problem he has with another certain group of people from another certain country who happens to talk the same language with a certain game, in certain chats.

Last, we all have the right to post here, we also know that we will get a reply.

I am sorry if I tired you but I am also tired of the bullshit here.
OOT = Out Of Topic

But really, we cant asking about other player? Then i wont ask!
OOT = Out Of Topic
Thanks for the answer!

Of course you can ask, the difference is between, hey where are you from I wanna know you and hey where are you from because I am biased and

I think I know which but I can't say in case some people offended

i knew ths people from certain country like to act all defensive for no reason

or, because people from certain country are thieves, or murderers or rapists or whatever.

It's nice to meet new people an other cultures, it's not nice to act like you are superior than them and can't distinguish the personal traits of someone you've met and characterize all their nation due to them. Or what you think of them.
i mean if u look at the thread itself, the challenge was offered, but person from certain country flock around with mob mentality to attack others.

u can see from the thread who is the problem makers here.
Yes kchong, you are right.
Thread was created to discuss a card game challenge, but was flooded with irelevant topics and insults.

lets see post #10 #13 #18

some attacks here, do note poster at #10 has been punished by admins already

#13 thinks hes onto something but doesnt know the 5% commission exists, its easy for one person to start the insult, and fellow proud countrymen to come to his side to continue the attacks. Have noticed this in the forums quite often. Seen many good people left the forum due to many players from one country unfortunately :(

But it is normal I guess for some countries that choose to attack the minorities and suppress speech with mob mindset and attacks.
for kchong:
hahaha, which country are you from? such a victim mindset, a proper karen

attack the minorities and mob attacks? everything said about you was on an individual experience/level

if there is 5% commission then vitras post makes even more sense to play and transfer and GG level should not be a factor. Just to let you know 5% is bigger than 1%, but I guess you are playing 5D Hamas chess.
for All-Father:

2024-03-29 18:11: Player was imposed a penalty of 20000 gold. // Хамство, оскорбления в бою, warid=1450436100


in the end of the day, troublemakers always get punished.

cest la vie
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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