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AuthorOfficial CG whining/ranting thread
4k exp that is
I’ll never skip ffa tho it’s the fkn best
for bobsrevenge999:
you have very low anti for pvp, you are going to get run over. best thing for you on 15 is likely defence tamer dark elf since t6 upgrades are quite strong

knight is always a powerhouse for pvp and fire dwarf is always useful.
15 is also a strong level for battlewise
for slayerofall:
I always run tamer de for PvP just been using attk rather than def. Why def rather than attk, and yea I got full castle for knight. Guess I’ll go dwarf next then. Actually been winning more than I lost lately, climbed about 200 elo despite anti. Because I’ve played so many I know how to play strategically with tamer DE
Ask kchong, he was afk first four turns on CG on my team and we still won, I’m not that bad despite low antis. I’ll just have to try defense then, I know hot to use summons and lizards and shit pretty effectively
What is op about knight tho , every time I try to use them I lose even with skill potion. Sorry for so many questions
Guys I think merlin unlocked the secret sauce now after being defeated by this:

Once he switched to that build he been on a rampage :p I recommend you all do the same to drown CG in these painful builds :D
for Hapkoman:
ye was bad streak with necro switch to that in duel and smash all lol
im already sick of being teamed with toxic whiners, who themselves suck ass
Stick to duels, and you will never have to deal with poor teammates
for Another Player:

Ye went ahead played one won ez but less cg per gold spent I don’t like
for bobsrevenge999: venemous spiders in defense build. only play attack stats with tactics+swiftness for lizards to hit turn 1
defense tamer is decent pre 17 since mages arent OP and you can play around dof relatively effectively.
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