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AuthorCourting a gentleman/lady companion
I will just say this one last time so you will understand, my dear.

The moment we question our morality values and where we stand on things is the time we stop enjoying the game.

You can disagree all you want, and Frankly my dear, I don't give a dam.,
but do it in mail, message your friends, file a letter of complaint. As long as my idea is legal according to the forum rules, and you are breaking the rules, you are in the wrong NO MATTER your disagreements. If u want to disagree with the idea, leave the personal insults out of it. Clearly we already disagreed. Make your case and leave if you don't agree.

I can't believe you brought my age into question, when I am most probably younger than you, and have to explain this to u like a little child.

When we question where we stand on our moral grounds, the entire game collapse.
- breeding armies to fight for your pleasure and ego
- hunting humans and looting their dead bodies
"I refer to your combat: https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=1161267989,
where u killed 96 crusaders and looted them of their 176 gold and master hunter boots"
- setting up traps and looting caravans (and also murdering the entire caravan)
- playing and essentially (supporting) satanic creatures and dark magic
- purchase troops (followers) for gold (slaves essentially)

So to rephrase my statement, if you want to bring your stance on moral grounds into the game, a fantasy game; and u have no problem with the above points,
Are u implying that you are in support of:
- slavery
- hunting humans
- looting
- satanic rituals and dark magic

If so, I rest my case. I refer to moderators to take action and hand out warnings to the player above, as well as anyone who makes personal insults. I accept friendly banter, disagreements, but personal insults have no place in this forum.
People who Does not get girls in Real life always want something like this online , go to a different sites, there are lots of them , Don't start this @kchong by suggesting ideas like this. :)
for yashu12323:
I’m not even going to argue with you. Moderators take action.
Local forum rule 8 violated.
K I can never work out if you are a master troll or just have close to disability level IQ.
Also you left message 19 on read which is not what I expect from my e boyfriend
for kchong:
btw there is a site called OnlyFans , your idea will work there. Good Luck Mate :)
for kchong:


3. Your idea/suggestion should accomplish a concrete goal and describe how it can be implemented. It should also answer the question, "Why is this necessary for the game?".

Would it make any difference to you kchong that you suggested more like hooded figure and move on with idea. Idea alone is (aside my personal opinion) just an idea and therefore should be in general numbers, here you could avoid suggesting humanoid form, animal pet, or playing sims via lordswm, instead go with gender free, gee even pulse free, just go with general idea if it is really only idea. It could be under hood even apple cider, rot beer, pork chop, peg leg, book, fur ball, slime blob, whatever makes your game going, why it HAS to be a female companion? With so many battles per day, barbarian should cherish axe, knight sword, elf bow, etc certainly good meal and something to drink before retreating to castle for the night even before girl, lady, princess, female (all terms used above). Also wont work especially if player is not male. COMPANION sounds alright so use that and work on idea, but than again like Navi adequately quoted why is this necessary for the game? In case of barb his axe would be sharper in whole courtesy companionship resulting as a +1 attack? Nope, no stats, wood, gem, weapon, diamond, abu bakir charm, no prize.
All considered, kind of tragic that as post 29, am first to give explicit -1 to idea.
for Warlock naviron:
Surely u can see it’s to increase donations

for avelox:
The title states gentleman/lady. It isn’t restricted to one gender of player.
Increase donations.
I realize players from a specific clan and also country, that allows arranged marriages enjoy insulting other players about their love life.

Do u still trade elephants for women?
I realize players from a specific clan and also country, that allows arranged marriages enjoy insulting other players about their love life.

Its almost completely a misconception that in the so called "Arranged marriages," people are forced to marry each other. It's just a way of introduction. I said "almost" because i know there are exceptions to everything. But i have friends who have extremely successful marriages with partners who they met through family connections. And it was ultimately decided by them if they wanted to go ahead with marriage or not.

If you knew this, then I don't understand exactly is the problem with arranged marriages? Getting introduced to a partner through family connections is worse than using an online service to find a random girl? Disagreed. People born in America and Europe tend to see it as a taboo, but having seen objectively how their marriages work I have come to the conclusion that it is not justified.

Do u still trade elephants for women?

You have a worthless idea which seems unnecessary and unwanted to majority of players here is also a fact. You are welcome to desperately defend your idea but using irrelevant statements like these will never help you.
for virtual_vitrea:
Another player from India proud Indian hete
for virtual_vitrea:
Also tbh I support you. Well educated statement although off topic but it’s already off topic so.
But as u can see from your countrymen, it is clear they are the one starting with all the personal insults.

Like I said, u can disagree all u want, but when u start attacking other players and technically bullying em, that becomes an issue. This Indian mob mentality has to stop.

It discourages players from coming up with creative ideas.

Again, disagree all u want in a civil manner. Insulting ones love life etc is unwarranted and unjustified.
for Warlock naviron:
Surely u can see it’s to increase donations

That is not a necessity. Maybe it could be a marginal causality or correlation. But definitely not a necessity.

In my opinion, the game does not *need* your suggestion for increasing donations.

Is this suggestion *really* necessary in the game???
This Indian mob mentality has to stop.
Dude...don't drop that low. You have started insulting countries now. How many Indians have you met, that you're judging Indian mentality! You are playing this game because of something what an Indian did. Remember, no '0', no coding, no LWM. And you won't have these crap ideas (my opinion).

Please keep your personal hate for person focused on the person. Insults on countries shouldn't be tolerated by mods too. Good luck with finding your princess in artefact shop!
I agree with Botmun. You are going too far with your insults kchong. I didn't expect this from you.
And you also seem to assume most of the players who commented are Indians. Typical sentimentality. Nevertheless insulting a country is shit.
You say you want a civil disagreement but you are not acting like it unfortunately.
for Botmun:
Sure it shouldn’t be tolerated, bu so does all these personal attacks that came for me, u agree they shouldn’t be tolerated as well?

for Warlock naviron:
Donations are a necessity to keep game running LOL
for rikudosennin:
Except I know they are lol. So yall come for me because I retaliate and u happen to be part of that focus group but when I am getting attacked yall turn a blind eye?
for Warlock naviron:
Donations are a necessity to keep game running LOL

Yes, donations are a necessity to keep the game running.

But the game already receives donations.

My question was not about donations being necessary. My questions was about your suggestion being necessary - which is a *totally* different matter!
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