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AuthorMinor tournament
It says CL 10 receive 2.5x extra exp.
Does it gives more exp than CG?
for Kunoichi_1:
Yes of course!

for Angel of Death:
Unfortunately yes
at high lv when u encounter players with 10+ primary points it is a automatic loss even vs their copy
best is not to play
for Issy404:
1. This time it’s PvP and not copy

2. Potion of guild is active for all battles and players, which means you get extra stats depending on your opponent
For example, in this battle, my opponent had +17 additional stats from the PoG
17 stats, F
i like this tournament. much more fair. middle finger to all the brainless pumped players.
Minor Tournament Report for Unholy Necro (Nature/Luck build)
46 attack
30 defence
6 knowledge
6 spell power
3 luck
15% initiative

Battle 1 vs жаждочка (Charmer Elf Offense build)
Opponent was not the brightest and put both his sharpshooters in a corner and then defended with horse/trees. Sent proclaimers to the corner and ability killed everything.

Battle 2 vs Хакерр (Offense dwarf)
Easy battle. Opponent wasn't stupid but my vamps went before his invokers. But hey, really can a dwarf ever beat a necromancer?

Battle 3 vs Losthero (Classic dark elf)
Lost. Was watching netflix and forgot about this. Would have beat him easily pretty sure.

Battle 4 vs Андрей Синеус (Defense Tamer Dark elf)
Easy battle. Vamps got lethargy onto lizards. Opponent was pretty stupid and did "high IQ" moves by defending and wasting time. Blocked his lizards in a corner and chipped away at him till he gave up.
Had -2 luck due to AFK penalty too but still beat his ass easily.

Battle 5 vs Тень_Топора (Offense red demon)
Easy battle. Red demon stood no chance.

Battle 6 vs Таракут (Offense pharaoh)
Weak player, no elephants DU and who goes attack on a pharaoh. easy win

Battle 7 vs Shellest (Offense barb)
Taking the shield of cold over dagger really helped here. He could have won if i took the dagger. He got 4 luck and killed my troops fast but with a raise build i ended up overpowering him.

Battle 8 vs Prosto_Dima (Shooter elf)
Easy win, raised dragons and blocked 2 shooters and ended the game easy.

Battle 9 vs -Тамерлан (defense tribal)
Tough battle, i toyed with him a little and let him get his enforcers off. He refused to surrender and played to the end. Regardless raising vamps and taking away his tribal spirit from the enforcers won me game.

Battle 10 vs _COLD STEEL_ (Classic necro)
Tougher battle but still beat him easily with nature necro.
Battle 11 vs Something begins (Classic wizard)
Loss. Ended up being my own mistake that i lost. I figured i would have won if i didn't do a stupid mistake and ended up with all my troops blocked.

Battle 12 vs zammer (Defense fury barb)
Skill match up. Ended up taking his boars out all in before his second boar move and he lost. Besides nature build proved too much for him.

Battle 13 vs Сема_ТЭ (Fire dwarf)
Dude went points in attack over full defense. Probably led to his loss and a quick easy win. Although he took out stacks fast with fireball, raising them and poking him down took no effort at all.

Battle 14 vs Anthrixall (Dark demon defense with mass distruption ray)
Won. Opponent said i countered him, I believe he lost cuz hes stupid.

Battle 15 vs Милком (Classic elf with EFKs)
Won easily. Shooter elf is the only viable build. Even wit,h morale on efk first turn and luck triggers, he died too fast.

Battle 16 vs ydachy2007 (Unholy necro attack/luck build)
Lost. The right way to win this is by defending as i would have more hp and he would have to fight anyway. I rushed in stupidly and lost quickly.

Battle 17 vs АртиХх (Classic dwarf)
Skilled battle. Opponent was smart and lucky. 1st turn invoker 3 rune hit killed half my army and gave auto in second turn. he then tried blocking units but raising troops all over proved too much for him. Tough battle but a win.

Battle 18 vs PASHA_The_RIJII (Defense fury barb)
Dude stood no chance. He didn't make the wrong moves but can a fury barb really beat an unholy necro in a fair contest?

The Unholy Necromancer Nature/Luck build is superior to any other unholy necromancer build.
Swapping the clover of fortune for a pendant of wrath for the extra attack and defense is viable. Dropping the 2 luck from talent wheel, and going for sorcery talents and unlocking the middle talent rune is also viable.
Offense unholy necro is GOOD. however, i am certain u will lose easily against a few matchups such as offense dark elf, offense charmer elf, offense dwarf etc.

My 3 losses were due to 2 mistakes (winnable 100%) and an AFK (which i would have beat his ass easily)
15/18 results. Probably a silver if i get lucky.
Probably a silver if i get lucky.

You mean gold if you get lucky, silver is 100%
play might vs might with 17 less primary points see what happens and btw your primary points are the same your advantage u had 2 units with high fire umunity
Whats the point of this event when you are from .com and back from a break. I see myself 25.000 fps behind on an average player my level and between 10-12 primary points. There is no point in even trying.

Only beneficial for OP accounts as always.
for Arcanide:
Potion of guild and faction potion given bro. The contest is fair
Kchong, you have the same amount of FSP as me while im 3 levels higher. Your stats are even higher while being 50% of my XP. A potion wont solve 14 primary points.
it does lol. All combats are equal. The guild potion gives u additional stats so u and ur opponent has the same number of stats. The faction potions makes u the same FSL as ur opponent
What are you talking about? Makes no sense. I know what a skill potion is, still makes no difference in primary points. How the turned have tabled. You the one not whinning about an event hehe.
for Arcanide:
I normally do about minor tournaments because lifeless level campers who have +15 stat advantage pisses me off. I for one am pumped and can still be 7 guild points behind them.

U see the same players winning tournaments not because of skill but because they have high stats.
I checked a few of these lifeless mfs and they have been losing a few battles due to this new change.

The faction potion gives u the your opponent faction skill level in a duel if yours is lower.
The guild potion gives u your opponent guilds in a duel if yours is lower.

That is how every duel is fair. Look at ur last duel, u got +9 free stats bro.
skill potion It's not the same thing. You get GUILD potion.
I normally do about minor tournaments because lifeless level campers who have +15 stat advantage pisses me off. I for one am pumped and can still be 7 guild points behind them.

hehe, there once was a time when we were pumped. Lol.

That is how every duel is fair. Look at ur last duel, u got +9 free stats bro.

Didnt know, thanks.

How does the pumped mechanic works when you are behind on FSP, do you get 50% extra? Or? Anywhere we can check this?
This event is unfair with the campers.
It's unfair event when fighting against pumped players who still have advantage of anti skill. However it's better compared to previous MT and many people have fighting chance.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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