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AuthorMerger of EN/RU forums
How do you call them BTW? Game masters?
We call them admins too.
it is difficult switching between .ru and .com.
Root of the problem. A simple toggle between the two forums can probably be a good compromise for everyone involved (Xenophobes or not). People who want to mingle will cross over and everyone wins.

A merged forums simply means a Russian forum and everything will be discussed in Russian from there on.
A merger with google translate would be ideal, cause if our positions were reversed, and they were the minority, would we really support them having a separate forum? With all the server cost and translations etc. If we did, then on basis of equality we would need to provide the same for every single wide spoken language (Provided they have a large enough player base in the game).

Implementing a translation tool within the game would mean lots of players from non-English and non-Russian speaking communities would join. Even if not the immediate future, the admins must consider this as a worthwhile goal to expand their business.
I'm very against automatic google translations. It's crap. Belive me, in AK we use google trabslator a lot and a lot of patience and tolerance is needed not to argue. It is that bad.

If translation by some service then yandex is much better for russian to english translation.
+ 1
Wow nice !
I welcome this discussion very much. The suggestion I like most is the one with a joint forum with an english subforum integrated. That should be quite easy to implement. I also read ru forum on a daily basis, but I never post there.
The idea with the button to switch between both forums without logging in and out should be the easiest to implement. I know Lexa already has it and Arctic had it too.
A merger certainly wouldn't help, but a quick switch button will.

I don't see any reason for that not to happen; better to interact with someone using translate rather than nobody at all. (Though I feel the LWM forum is kinda active with select players always being responsive).

As for the scale of HWM & LWM community is concerned & the constant banter about how LWM is a small community... I love how we don't look outside of the pond & realize that overall as a game (HWM + LWM),the community is as good as non existent on the gaming map across the internet.

If not, this is the most under rated Turn Based game imho.
the most under rated Turn Based game

I totally agree.

However the limitations on advertising due to copyright issues is probably the limiting factor for the growth of this project imo.

better to interact with someone using translate rather than nobody at all.

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