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AuthorWhat were you thinking when you were choosing your first class?
Idk I still laugh in the "arrow in the knee" joke. XD
I just fancied being a bloke with a paunch, figured he knew how to live life.
originally started as dark elf, but barbarians are so meagre, only 50% of the level up bonuses are actually required (essentially wood, ore and rubies) for constructions and upgrades, yet we barbarians are bad at mathematics and accountancy and hence here we are, broke as shit. :P
I was told I'm not allowed to pick either of the elves :(
Tbh wizard seems like the most intresting class in game
First picked Dark elf : cause a hero with mask and women in their army , why not.
Then changed to Knights : Cause their hero looked the coolest back in 2009 also DE had no range.
Then changed to Elf : cause their bowmen shoots 2 arrows and mines shoots just 1.
Then changed to Barbarians : cause watched Lord of the rings and wanted an orc and ogre army, also Wolf riders dealing 2 hits.
At last changed to Demon : cause succubi can retaliate range attacks.
First class was barbarian

*Idk but hero looks muscular, lets take it*
Remember those days when barb had 'magic proof' racial, and it was so fun to beat even higher level wizards when I used to do GBs those days. :P
I picked dark elf because I saw a lot of battles involving shrews (mostly PVE) and I thought they are OP as hell.
When I first started playing; maybe in 2008/09 - I went through every faction I liked in the first two weeks. There was a cooldown on switching factions I am pretty sure, so I'd often hop between them and end up with a completely useless character. From what I remember I started as a necromancer because they looked really cool and I loved the whole undead vibe back then. Plus my real life friends who introduced me to the game kept telling me that it's a great faction for a beginner.

On this account, I chose dark elf because I was and am pretty sure that they are always a viable faction. Plus, shrews are indeed badass ^^
In 2008, My first character was a dark elf. Rogues were dope as hell. Even barb was so fun. Wolf riders are neato.

Tribals were the new thing when I started playing this account.
Pretty sure neither Dwarf nor Tribal existed when I started.

Chose Dark Elf I think because it sounded different than normal Elf variations like Woodland Elf or High Elf.

Not totally for sure though. That was a long time ago!
Pretty sure neither Dwarf nor Tribal existed when I started.

Chose Dark Elf I think because it sounded different than normal Elf variations like Woodland Elf or High Elf.

Not totally for sure though. That was a long time ago!

You chose knight only :D
2008-06-08 07:17: Registered. Faction: Knight
Pharaon: "100% fantasy"
How were you able to revive a 2 year old thread? Thought they went obsolete after only a few weeks.
creative works dont get obselete i think
Because they are the coolest 8) Necro hell yeah (I choose DE first XD)
How were you able to revive a 2 year old thread?

My creative threads dont get vaporozed B)

Ofc when not knowing what faction will you go for, you always pick DE and say "I'm so special"
I initially picked wizard because it could cast magic. Then later on CG, I found it was more fun to play as might wizard =)
My cousin showed me this game when we were 12 or so. I started as a knight because I thought it was the best faction to beat his (elf) in duels. We were always very competitive and tried to have the better character. He always had more experience/guild points than me because he started before me. I stopped playing for years and then he recently passed away and I’ve been playing again since
Sorry for you loss. I did start with knight on com, but after non event era on com. started back again on ru server as elf with this char.
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2008-2025, online games LordsWM