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Author[2018.08.15] Day of Teleporting
Yes, they said this on the first day when bonuses started
Here it is:
for virtual_vitrea:
Unfortunately I am a player of the wizard faction :(

This is in specific hunts such as of tonnes of farmers where my chaos would do nothing, but I can rapid bless chastise the shrews and then keep them out of harm whilst recovering mana inbetween so it will last
Example combat

sad that it does not allow for ranger guild quests to be run, it still says "get a horse" .. :/
Yeah can you be ambushed in teleport travel?
Yes, they said this on the first day when bonuses started Nice!!!
for Meshy:
alt elf bug again?

0 sp dwarf, teleported his whole 100+ stack of master spear from 1 corner to another corner of battlefield.
But when i tried teleporting, i couldn't do it...
Oh nvm it worked,

Could teleport anyone, anywhere in whole battlefield.
guardian stack too?
Yes in my last battle i could teleport guardian to almost more than half battlefield; but not full. Still its more than enough, and very OP :D
indeed. I played with elf, and both my sharpshooters got blocked quickly thanks to teleport. Its a bit too effective :p
closed by Corey (2018-08-17 00:01:01)
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