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Author[Event] Freight Delivery
Is there any event art apart from the helmet?
Probably pirate art at the end
Freight delivered: 890.00 t.
Profit: 3,062 g.

1st day was really easy , even for dark elf
So has anyone calculated the most efficient way to go about day 1 ?
Till when can we go max deliveries ? and when to simmer down ?
Hauls: 14
Freight delivered: 835.00 t.
Profit: 2,292 g.

Aww I feel I'm doing bad :(
for Fury_Barb:do full loads only, when you can afford the next ship, buy it. Don't invest silver in anything else. This is true due the first 13 hauls. I cannot comment on the difficulty level for ship number 4 as to how feasible it is to do that on full load.
If you do 13 max loads you can the buy 4th boat to use it at 14th match. As in do 4 times 40 load to buy the 120 silver boat, do 4 times 55 load to buy the 230 silver boat, then do 5 times 80 load to get the 400 silver boat.
So far I have only farmed but somehow netted high profit:
Hauls: 14
Freight delivered: 810.00 t.
Profit: 2,942 g.
Lord MilesTeg & Lawton -

Thanks a lot for the information, this really helps! :)
Hauls: 14
Freight delivered: 890.00 t.
Profit: 4,029 g.
Profit: 4,029 g. How did you menage to get so big profit ? or its different between combat level ?
Price of materials decrease if they are bought a lot, and increase if they have not. Many people completed all their runs early, by consequence later on the prices rose(less people buying), resulting in more profit.
Also for those that are farming don't make the mistake I made by getting the 650 silver boat, then you will need to bring at least loads of 100 instead of the minimum 75 so the AI stays at one cannon, now it has at least two.
It goes like this:
loads up to 50 AI has zero cannons
loads up to 75 AI has one cannon
loads up to 105 AI has two cannons
loads up to 145 AI has 3 cannons.

Also upping cannon damage doesn't do that much more, only very slightly, hardly noticable, but the AI seems to get more units each time you upgrade cannons. I upgraded my 4 cannons to level 7 and suddenly the AI had 298 pirate womans instead of the usual 84 and all other stacks doubled or trippled as well. Not sure if this is due to the upping of my cannons, but ever since it's been like this, can anyone confirm this?
For Lawton:
Maybe I agree with your cannon psychology , because as soon as I upgraded my cannon's attack and endurance , I found a change in difficulty too .

Again not 100% sure , but this can be the reason , but if we see practically it shouldn't be like that as the difficulty depends on amount of things we've loaded.
No way to downgrade too. Didn't think a small increase in cannon damage cause such a big increase in enemy troops. :(
why lizard charge ability not work on sailor pirates
getting the 650 silver boat

I can second this. Just got 1st loss right after upgrading and loading up 100% capacity; a following trip with less cargo went better then.
Hauls: 28
Freight delivered: 1974.00 t.
Profit: 9,030 g.

Am I doing good? Is it even worth trying to deliver more or is it ok to just stick to 100ton delivery every fight? Cause, I can win every fight easily at 100 ton but out of 3 I lost 2 when doing 110.

You guys said upgrading canons increase difficulty so I am not upgrading cannons.
I don't think upgrading cannnons increases difficulty.

Before :https://www.lordswm.com/war.php?warid=905161135&show_for_all=05b434a33c

After :https://www.lordswm.com/war.php?warid=905162648&show_for_all=f25c991dcb
The difficulty increase versus tonnage is not a gradual increase but instead has very specific points when it increases/decreases. For this it is one off of full that gets the next level of difficulty down. OFten this is the better choice as it represents a lower difficulty at the loss of only 5 tonnes. For this time however it is feasible to run a full tonnage ship for a while and only invest in the next ship, though not indefinitely.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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