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AuthorNext Alternate faction
So forget about what you can see currently, think more about game balance. DE and dwark are overplayed with a retarded simplistic gameplay : they will get Alt in year 2035 :o)

Alt elf is the best exemple of complex gameplay: in first move, brethren, uni, dragons, sharps and druids all attack what's in front of them or cast, usually before the ennemy could even move. Only trees require slightly more complex decision making.

Dwarf is better; at least, runes allow to mess (in a good or bad way) with the outcome.
I wish they'd release DE next. It's the 2nd most popular faction after all (thus there are quite many of us DE players around here), so any extra diversity wouldn't hurt :>

And stealth assassins and witches would be SOOOOOO badass 8D
It has to be DE come on :P
dwarf and tribal themselves r new factions, how can u expect their alt so early?
The other DE central talents available are:
Dark ritual and elemental vision.

Maybe alt DE will be another might/mage hybrid, but now he can see elements and choose spells according to elements.
I'm hoping for a new faction of elementals. DE and Dwarves are powerful and pretty well played, plus DE can play as might or magic pretty easily.
i think elementals as a playable faction is kinda far-fetched at the moment. the standard elementals r tier 4.5, stronger than 4 but weaker than 5, so it would be hard to make them a faction.besides i think summon elementals is already there so we wont hv it any soon, if ever.
the standard elementals r tier 4.5, stronger than 4 but weaker than 5, so it would be hard to make them a faction.besides i think summon elementals is already there so we wont hv it any soon, if ever.

I think the elemental faction will have different units than the elemental creatures currently available. I'm pretty sure Arctic confirmed this a while back too ...

as for what the next altgrade is going to be my bet is on dwarf...
I understand why people think DE should be first since it was one of the earliest factions where as dwarf and tribal were introduced only a few years ago ... but my gut still tells me it will be dwarf!
I expect another Necromancer
Admins' hint was "The least popular faction's alt comes first" and exceptions were made.
i would want DE alt to come , as i want to try that.

Plus elementals faction would be awesome.
and they can easily balance them with other factions with changing the number of troops in their recruitments
I think the alts should be released based on necessity. Meaning, giving priority to classes that doesn't have alts.
De should be next. Then Dwarf. Then Tribal.
And if you expect a new alt faction to be released every year.. then i have no words to say :D

and you should say no word when you have no idea what you talk about

1 alt faction comes every 6 month
Come on.. that much common sense anyone can use
You cant came into conclusion by which happened in just last 2 years

1 alt faction comes every 6 month
That certainly not gonna happen.. you mean to say in just few years all faction will have their alt classes? GG if you think so. Keep dreaming if it motivates you.
for _uNboRn_:

Necro alt was released in April 2013 , BArb alts were released in november 2013 , Wizard Alt was released in June 2014 , Elf alt was released in novermber 2014

There are 2 alts released every year.(3 if you count both shadow and fury)
I would be happy if it goes like this way only , but i hardly doubt it will.
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