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AuthorOld LordsWM vs New LordsWM
Only good thing - before labourer guild changed.

Go on. I didn't know about that. )

almost stopped playing :/

12th :)
for Lord harddude:
I can't remember productivity well. We used to receive higher wage each enroll.
current productivity 1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.4 and so on. Befote changed, it was 1, 1.2, 1.5, 2 and so on (this just example, can't remember actual finger).
I can't remember productivity well. We used to receive higher wage each enroll.
current productivity 1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.4 and so on. Befote changed, it was 1, 1.2, 1.5, 2 and so on (this just example, can't remember actual finger).

Which era are you talking about? It was way before merge happened. ~2010 IIRC. The change applied to both ru and com alike.
for Optimus Prime:

for Lord harddude:
.ru 1st. .com come later if I not mistaken :)
Wow lg 9 = x5 wage @@
Thanks Grunge.

But why do you have an archived page from 5 yrs back? That's interesting.
I didn't archive it.

I just know where to find it.


Ah, the good old days...

Living in a village where everyone knew everyone.
Feeling special because you were one of thousand who played this game.
Clan wars in the forums (Mainly Warriors Guild against League of Shadows).
Playing over days and nights to win events where only three clans were capable to win.
Waiting 20 minutes for a caravan to come.

Most of times you felt like beeing in a social sadistic/masochistic experiment.

It were special times, but I would never (never, NEVER) trade it back to the opportunities we have now. :)
for Grunge:

Thanks, I read that on every thread on reddit about things you should know about the internet but strangely when I saw your post, I didn't recognize it. :)

Feeling special because you were one of thousand who played this game.
I always felt like an oddball playing this game. Whenever I suggested/suggest this game to my friends they tell me its too complex and boring. Different perspectives, I guess. :p
Also that's a very optimistic version of what most players felt during the good old days...
You have to read my post with a big wink. ;)

Nice page, I checked the racial abilities of those times, seems a level 12 DE could almost get 100% piercing through resistance and level 12 barb could almost get full magic resistance. Of course fl 12 didn't exist then yet. Maybe not such a bad thing they changed those abilities.

I miss the old LG multipliers though :D
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