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Authorthis game has balance?

I think it is a crucial mistake to hit a gremlin stack with your invaders instead of hitting golems first (at 11:8). Golems must not hit your invaders first - then it is more or less game over (they killed 17 invaders in one hit, that is much more than the gremlins in the corner would have dealt.
for Lady Prajakta:
where is it?

this is the third time i am loosing against this faction.
how do you guys win this?

In my opinion these are the mistakes you did:
1. Goblins need to move towards the enemy instead of placing traps.
2. Invaders must be protected against golems, by other small stacks of units. Golems should never be allowed to strike first.
3. Always use a small stack to take retail, before attacking with your main stack.
4. In a fight against wizard time is not in your favor. To balance this you need to take more morale (Ring of inspiration) and haste goblin and invaders.

As for the bigger picture:
1. Take your time, don't level up to fast or you will be very weak later on.
2. At smaller levels every little bit of attack and defense matters. So take your time to increase your HG, LG and MG stats.
3. If you plan on playing a lot of PvP, carefully plan this. See at what level you can have the most fun at playing PvP. Build your characters HG, LG, MG and TG to be as high as possible for that level.
4. Build faction resistance against your worse enemies.
5. Find the best PvP players for your faction and level. Look at their battles and learn from their strategy.
She has better Laborers' guild: 3 while ur Laborers' guild: 2 this give's her slight advantage
How in the world is it so? -_-
you get extra +1 defense in 'LG-4'
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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