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AuthorTopic for anime funs ∧_∧
I like watching them. The best anime i have seen till date is Death note. Also I think my 2nd best would be Code Geass and then elfen lied :3
fullmetal alchemist ties with elfen lied for the third place
I am a action fanatic. DBZ (absolutely not GT!), Bleach, Naruto (except for the constant retelling of the same thing over and over and over and then elaborated on some more, so that would mean I like a little less than half of Naruto (both Naruto and Shippuden) and even badly acted ones like Baki the Grappler.

5 minutes into Death Note, one word, boring. However that was only the first 5 boring minutes of it. Who knows if I'll like it later, like, waaay later.

Heck it took me 2 years to become moderately interested in Fullmetal Alchemist but since brotherhood is the same exact thing and not a continuation...ummm, not interested. A fan of reboots I am but not ones that tell the same exact story the same way only with slightly better graphics.

Kenichi I did enjoy but I think Heaven's Lost Property has more substance even though it is pretty generic a lot of the times it is still really funny. Its like Kenichi and Tenchi Muyo had a genetically generic funny baby but the protagonist being a major spaz and nothing of a fighter.
Lucid-Naz, your name has been noted.
for Anony-mouse:

not sure if that is a good or bad thing but...I like your name :)

and I don't mean that sarcastically. :p
wut? what? i have no reply at hand :p
Watch death note completely and you will understand what i am saying :P
haha indeed. I get it now. apparently I never even made it past the opening credits before I didn't want to watch anymore but it is indeed a good anime.
aaand now...

detective drama action is Death Note. It is indeed the best action detective anime I've ever liked. haha :)

However, sword fighting, mystical fighting or even perverse humor...is not Death Note. Mostly my fav things in anime ;p

IMO Attack On Titan, Heavens Lost Property, Kenichi, Bleach, Golden Boy, Blue Exorcist and the like are more my cup of tea.

However if you are a fan of Akira or more so, Ghost in the Machine and/or Full Metal Alchemist, you will for sure love Death Note.

There, how was that Anony-mouse?
I loved Death Note but there isn't any anime that bored me more than Full Metal Alchemist (yes I watched it till the end). I hope there is an explanation why FMA is so popular and people like it, maybe I need to watch the movies as well ? Maybe I need to watch brotherhood ? (the answer to this is probably "no" since you say brotherhood was just the same but in better graphs). I don't know, probably just not my style.
how in this topic didn't appear Samurai X? one of the best!
I loved Death Note but there isn't any anime that bored me more than Full Metal Alchemist (yes I watched it till the end). I hope there is an explanation why FMA is so popular and people like it, maybe I need to watch the movies as well ? Maybe I need to watch brotherhood ? (the answer to this is probably "no" since you say brotherhood was just the same but in better graphs). I don't know, probably just not my style.

I have seen both of them and i have to say FMA;brotherhood is way better even with the same basic story. The fight scenes and overall animation is definitely superior.
Also the main thing about brotherhood is that things make more sense..I believe the first FMA is very lacking in this essence. For example envy, lust, wrath and others will represent more of their characters.

Just try watching the episode from brotherhood in which lust gets confronted by mustang, that alone is spectacular.
Samurai X!

Yes, initially a very good bloody anime...except 1 of 2 things happened.

And I may be wrong on both accounts as it has been a very long time since I've watched it.

1. It stopped

2. Reincarnated into a milder, softer, more kid friendly comedic action anime.

I hope 1 is the truth but from the very mild and limited research I did, 2 was the case.

sorry I can't go from a super violent anime with cold characters to it morphing into a jovial lets be friends instead of fighting...thing.

Hope I'm wrong on this cuz it will be a joyous event for me if they indeed did continue it violently and I just didn't search correctly.for Enano_:
for Enano_:
for Enano_:
for Enano_:
for Enano_:
for Enano_:
for Enano_:
uhhh, sorry for the repetitiveness, I meant for it to appear only once on the top.

However could not see if it was working as it did not post on my message as I believe it use to.

Anyways, my bad.
for virtual_vitrea:

I guess in order to see the name you are writing to it should be first and not an after thought, haha.

Anyways, I have a dear friend who said that Brotherhood does indeed make much more sense which in turn means a better storyline to match the better anime graphics.

I have yet to confirm in my own opinion as of yet since I'm really trying to watch all 600+ (just guessing) episodes of One Piece.

So far rating One Piece (currently on episode 85, I think) it gets 1.5 out of 5 stars. With 0 being the lowest and 5 the best.

0 = it sucks, to avoid judgement, don't tell your friends you watch it, ever!

1 = ehh, it has its good moments, good to watch when your doin something else

2 = meets minimum criteria to hold ones interest

3 = good, worth recommending to your friends and/or family

4 = A must see

5 = you will not sleep until you have watched every single episode or pass out trying
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