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AuthorMy story and struggle
But how did he get an invitation from angels and demons !!
A&D didn't care if the members were cheaters or not until they reached 250 members. I think they are following their policy much better now.

You are doing a huge number of combats. The generally acknowledged way of getting rich is to enroll 10 times and then win one battle. You are trying to do as many battles as possible, but I'm afraid that it might remove your focus from the important enrolling.
we are all doing the same by playing the game ?
isn't it ?

No we're doing very different stuff.
I'm making my account very strong, developing all guilds, saving money for future.
You're stuck into a account low/mid level, with poor stats, without any upgrade and a huge gold penalty... Just think a little ahead, you'll need 500k for clean your gold penalty, upgrade your castle and get some, and I'm not talking of the most expensive full ap.

Any rare artefact or enchanted, would be a dream for you.

While you said "players have helped me a bit" all I can see, is many players wasted a lot money on you, and they're helping you A LOT, more than they should actually, and the only reason you've come that far, was because of their help.

Two tips.

First one stop wasting people money, start doing 10 enrrols per battle.
Second one, keep playing with your additional account, improve their stats, make as many guilds as you wish, enrrol, and make it clean... Soon you'll realise it's much more profitable stick with your younger but much stronger account.
after prime go positive maybe we can help this poor player https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=265123
When i will be positive
I will enjoy them !
I'm making my account very strong, developing all guilds, saving money for future.

I used to be like that. Well after few years you just realize it is just a game and meant to have fun. Now the perception of fun is totally depends on the individual, if a player relishes the challenge then he should go for it.
when you have negative gold. You enroll 10 times and then play one combat to remove workaholic penalty.

If you can't do that then, you are better off with a new char. Don't waste the money of people trying to help you.
My main goal is to get in A&D MC now
after that to tension...
A relief and support (BIG)
for Optimus Prime:
My main goal is to get in A&D MC now

Getting in an MC won't happen in any near future. This will take patience which you are not exhibiting clearly now. I saw your combat log. You are doing it all wrong. 10 enrolls and then 1 combat. That is the correct way to do it. If you wear the arts durability in couple days, nobody would pay for that much artifacts.
I used to be like that. Well after few years you just realize it is just a game and meant to have fun. Now the perception of fun is totally depends on the individual, if a player relishes the challenge then he should go for it.

May I ask why you've left your old account behind? Looks a very good account. =)

My main goal is to get in A&D MC now
after that to tension...
A relief and support (BIG)

You shouldn't think any other clan would be helpful to you, actually EW members are extremely friendly with everyone, I don't represent them, and I can be a jerk some times, but base your opinion of me on a entire clan, is just insanity...

All I was trying to do was give you some helpful tips, I could've said.
"Hey buddy, you're going on right direction of fighting about what you really believe, and that shows that you've stronger character, you're a big inspiration to everyone. I really wish good luck to you and your journey..."

But it would be a horrible tip, and the world isn't perfect, none is perfect.
If I want to say you're going on wrong direction, why I should say it with nice words, if I could say exactly what I'm thinking and cause more impact as well?
Like I said I can be a jerk some times, because I want to... But right now, you should focus on what would be better for you... Anyway I'm not going to take it any further, since anything I say will be totally ignored...
You are missing point mate , joining MC isnt whole LWM

Anyways the way you are doing now , I dont think you will ever recover
Because people wont give you gold for free , so that you can play unlimited hunts

Peoples who are trusting you and helping , you shouldnt break their trust
No one is here to feed you till long so you can enjoy

If you really want to continue , simple as that - DONATE
No need to waste others money , as they all earned by hard efforts and not are roulette addicted like u :/
May I ask why you've left your old account behind? Looks a very good account. =)

There is no sane reason to explain it.I just didn't enjoy playing it with anymore.
P.S: I can be very crazy and retarded :P

Anyways the way you are doing now , I dont think you will ever recover
Because people wont give you gold for free , so that you can play unlimited hunts

Peoples who are trusting you and helping , you shouldnt break their trust
No one is here to feed you till long so you can enjoy

AMEN to that.

for Tri-Force:
If you really want to continue , simple as that - DONATE
No need to waste others money , as they all earned by hard efforts and not are roulette addicted like u :/

I think you really being very hard on the lad. Give him a break. If he commits to do it the right way then it is between him and his benefactors.
Ok so much suggestions are an order i will do 10 enrolls per hunts
sometimes a bit more :P

Lets see if I can recover
If you plan to rely on others to give you financial assistance to pay off your penalty for you then you will most likely just incur a further penalty putting you even more in debt.

If you plan to take the hard route of enrolling to get back in positive gold then that is your decision but it will take you a very long time and there does not seem to be any benefit from doing this. You will still have a character which has previously been caught cheating and many clans will still hold this against you as people will have doubts about how you got the gold to pay fine.

You wont even have the option of trading on market etc to make money as any gold you get will go to improve your balance so you still wont be able to purchase new arts.

I suppose you could always donate for diamonds but in all honesty, why?
There is no sane reason to explain it.I just didn't enjoy playing it with anymore.

Sounds a good explanation for me, you just don't want to keep playing on that account. =)
I am not relying on others
i am enrolling

And yes you all say it is a huge amount

I will be invited to clans as I have courage to get positive from this amt.
And please don't scold me
The players that are helping me
I will give them their money when i have sufficient
They are my good or best friends in the game
They believe me
And i too...
HOw could you not mention me, OP... How could you not?
i am pretty much the reason you got that penalty that time...
otherwise, you might have gotten it a week or two later :P
TIme to give credits, bro


Not Smart.... most of us caught you right there

MOst certainly foolish
Gotta get your act together mate. About leasing inventory space I don't know if you can do it with negative gold since you might not accept arts at receiver's disposal.
Foolish too.

In my first accounts ( 3-4 years back) we were really group of 4-5 people with 15-20 accounts.
We just gave a call to a friend and we would have 30k arranged in a matter of minutes...
NOw, all 20 accounts are blocked.. no penalties, direct block.

2 of them left the game.. I didnt

But i stood back several times, less illegal transfers each time.... Finally last account, NO ban, just penalty

BUt, always better to restart with the already gained knowledge... and my current account is my best, even though not the highest level attained ))
PS: HIghest level was 11.... but roullete caught me whn i was rich ( rich in my terms)
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