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AuthorAsk all fir tree questions here
hi guys why i always encounter wit hard hunt?eventhough i lose 4 time tht insane!!
You can get more points if your ally is of higher level and has more victories than you
for warrior100:
it gets harder each time u win
wear more arts
16 - my bad, I was talking about exp.
Is it that the more battle you win, the harder it gets until you cant play anymore??
do we get trinkets for a winning?
for Boozy_Bosco:
yes :)
i dont think so, i think its random..
Strange abillity ...`holy vunerabillity` which holy spell deals damage?
Bless, Chast
spell bonus + additional 25% damage
i think post 25 it true.the hunt getting more harder even if u lose.
when will this event end?
on 31st
read official announcement post
how come DE's are at the top
^ Why they cant be?
Endurance lolly will have effect???
how long will effect of endurance lolly last?
Q: Who can paritipate?
A: Any lord or lady of combat level 3 and above.

Q: What ammunition is allowed?
A: Only SANE (Shop artifacts, no enchantments).

Q: Are gifts allowed?
A: Yes, but only shop gifts are.

Q: Tavern effect, ale, new year lollies, anything allowed?
A: Lollies are allowed and will have effect. Tavern drink and ale will not let you participate in liberation battles.

Q: Any minimum AP requirement?
A: None other than what's standard for your combat level.

Q: What's the format of battles?
A: 2 characters vs. an assorting of any known non-festive creatures.

Q: Which partner can I get?
A: UPDATED: The system will attempt to pair players relatively equal by AP and Combat level.

Q: How often do combats start?
A: Once every 20 minutes.

Q: Can I fight with the snake coil ring equipped?
A: Sure.

Q: What are the gift boxes on the battlefield?
A: They boost certain stats of player-commanded creatures who stop in the tile with the box. The boost will remain active until the end of combat.

Q: What is the rating?
A: Rating is a parameter that represents a ratio of your enemy power related to your winning streak. Rating points you earn may be spent to improve certain characteristics of your troops, such as numbers, damage dealt, etc.

Q: Any dynamic balancing happening?
A: Your enemies will increase in numbers after you win, but will not decrease in numbers after loss.

Q: Where do I spend rating points?
A: On the event page, in top right: https://www.lordswm.com/elka_liberation.php

Q: Why did I get +50 rating, and my opponent got hundreds?
A: For the first battle players always get 50 points. It will be different later on.

Q: Are there any limits on daily combats?
A: None.

Q: Which spells deal holy damage?
A: One spell, Divine retribution cast by Thrones.
when will this event end?
The event will end on December 31st when the Horse 2014 appears in the Empire.
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2008-2025, online games LordsWM