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Authormy wife becomes angry when i play this game
admins should create the "Married People's Guild". you get points whenever you get ambushed by your wife while playing lwm. and each level you gain decreases your initiative by 1% ahah
Take a break from the game forawhile then gratify her.

My mom used to b furious then i took a break studied hard got good marks and now everything is good altough dad believes that this game can inflict damage at any point in the life. Take a break after the event and b all lover type
for Corey:

Sweaty pie . OMG . thats like a deathwish
for Warlock naviron:
hey, your suggestion is a good one.
but running away from problems should be the last try in anyone's list.

getting Addicted happens easily in many thinks. today Game, tomorrow work etc.

TIME management is important. if that didn't work go for next....
Gf is angry with me as well <.< Quit for 2 yrs cuz of her XD
Good Woman > Best Video Game

A happy wife, is a happy life, my friend.

Try to show her the game, my wife gave me problems about my gaming...but she learned to accept them because I work so dang much and I need a break for my sanity. Ask your wife: Would you rather have an angry Husband?

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