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AuthorAll about Dark Elves Faction: Stats, Talents, Tactics, etc
ok ty again.
Can you post some links for me plz or tell me some players who do cg regularly as a DE :)

Thx in advance!
tell me some players who do cg regularly as a DE :)at your lvl :P

http://www.guildofheroes.ru/lords.php?levelst=11&levelfin=11&sort=18&napr=1&fra k6=1&submit=search...&nick=
could anyone give me some examples of lvl 12 d elfs doing some ambushes? not on real persons just the caravans for couple factions
tnx :)
some of my own ambushes:
tnx alot, very helpfull :)
im sorry but those are battles while you were an elve, im looking for d elfs fights :) but tnx anyway
oops. i didn't see the d there . usually everyone write it as DE. I have done that only in level 13 so. sorry for this.
here are some more links from DE lvl 12:


i tried to put 1 from each factions.
tnx alot mate :)
I just started with mage DE, earlier I was might DE.
What talents, recruit, arts do u prefer?
I just want 9 ap as of now :)
+can u tell about wat SP, Know. should I take.

It would be gr8 too if u post some battles as mage DE especially armies.

Thx in advance
mage DE use max mino max hyda max witch and max poisoner then shrews for doing PVP :P
for hunt you can use max shrews(with poisoner. i don't think mage de is good as might DE especially for hunts(for solo) and mg's.

use 5-6 skill point for knowledge(if you are using intellect) rest of them are for spell power. talent setup you can use for the same which you using now or you can select some chose talents( i am not user since i never tried DE after CL 9 )

Chaos-DE can give more damage than chaos-wiz, but is also more fragile.

Minotaur and ladon is your tank unit

Dark witch is useful in casting delays

Liz can still give a good punch because of there liz charge. So it is good to threatening the others so they cannot rush to fast.

A single shrew stack can be good at blocking since it is fast and can reach a big area.


Cannot remember talent and stat setup for level 11, but ofc you should maximise knowledge and sp.
i need advice in lev 10 DE might... what to recruit talents ect in pvp
Rally is best for pvp. Get basic fortune with an amulet of luck. This gives you +2 luck and morale!
While recruiting, max shrews,max minos/liz (i prefer 39 minos n' 11 liz to keep it balanced) and 7 hydras (they're low in initiative so no very good in pvp)
ok thanks! ill try it out
why is there so much difference in recruiting?
see this is mine-
and this is of another player-
why is there so much didd pls tell me
closed by ElfPride (2012-09-19 13:33:35)
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