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AuthorDemonic Fraction.
My teacher always tell me, that I should know my fractions. Are they demons?
he probably also uses wizard crap for some extra mana
lol. joke-fail.
* spell power ;)
I guess im a bRarbarian now.
If we put wings on imps... They will be angels??
Where are the mods?
Where qre PvP tournaments??
Where are the mods? +1.

Sad, only active players are here, no mods.
Any faction would fear a demon! spawns that steal your mana .. cerberis that attack three squares with no retal .. nightmares that freeze your stacks in fear or let the flee away (all with relatively high init) .. and mistresses that hit 4 of your stacks in the same time :)

I think many players who do not play demons because they already struggle with using a max of 7 stacks .. demons with gated troops can be up to 14 stacks .. that could be overwhelming ;) .. also players whose play style is castle up and shoot or cast spells (defensive play style) would fear playing against offensive demons.

Whether you like it or not .. you have to admit .. facing a demon opponent is a nightmare! ;)
facing a demon opponent is a nightmare! ;)

Bah, demons are my easy opponents.
never had problems with demons. the easiest kill for an elf
6 skill level of Demon! ))
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